Biden Tries To Smear Trump As Felon But Trump Hits Back With Brutal Point About Hunter Biden's Gun Conviction

 June 28, 2024

During a contentious presidential debate in Atlanta, Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump both labeled each other as criminals, reflecting the intensely personal nature of their exchange according to The New York Post.

On Thursday evening, the campaign trail heated up dramatically at CNN's studio in Atlanta, Georgia, where the first presidential debate for the 2024 elections unfolded.

This significant political event brought incumbent US President Joe Biden face-to-face with his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

The debate, expected to be a pivotal moment in the 2024 presidential race, quickly escalated into personal attacks.

Among the many sharp exchanges, President Biden pointedly referred to Trump as a "convicted felon," a reference to Trump's recent legal challenges.

Trump's Legal Troubles Come to Forefront

Last month, a Manhattan jury concluded a high-profile case involving Donald Trump, finding him guilty on all 34 counts related to concealing business records concerning hush money payments.

This conviction played a significant role in the debate, as Biden used it to challenge Trump's integrity and suitability for office.

Trump, however, was quick to counterattack. He diverted the discussion towards Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, whose legal issues have also been highly publicized.

Earlier in June, Hunter was convicted of lying about his drug use to obtain a firearm, marking a rare instance of a sitting president's child being convicted of a crime.

Trump seized the opportunity to deflect criticism by highlighting the Biden family's legal woes. He suggested that Joe Biden could potentially be seen as complicit, owing to his high political office and influence. "Joe could be a convicted felon with all the things that he’s done," Trump declared, referring to allegations against Biden related to his actions in Ukraine during his vice presidency.

The verbal sparring extended to broader critiques of each other’s character and past, with Trump labeling Biden directly as a criminal. Biden countered these allegations with his record and continued focus on policy differences.

Trump remarked, "When he talks about a convicted felon, his son is a convicted felon. Should have been before, but his Justice Department let the statute of limitations lapse."

Debate Performance Under Scrutiny

Biden's performance during the debate stirred mixed reactions. Some commentators noted that Biden appeared to have a slow start but gained momentum as the debate progressed.

Vice President Kamala Harris, when pressed by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, admitted to Biden's initially sluggish performance but praised his strong finish.

Observers noted Biden's raspy voice, which fueled ongoing speculations about his health—an aspect that did not go unnoticed among voters and analysts. The discussions regarding his mental and physical capability were particularly poignant, given the high stakes of the upcoming election.

The debate's contentious nature reflected the deep divisions in American politics, and it clearly outlined the personal stakes involved for both candidates.

Each side of the political aisle reacted predictably, with Democrats defending Biden’s integrity and Republicans amplifying the criticisms laid out by Trump.

The focus on legal issues rather than policy during this debate highlights the increasingly personal nature of modern political campaigns.

This tactic may resonate differently across portions of the electorate, potentially affecting voter turnout and enthusiasm.

Looking Ahead: Implications for the Election

As the 2024 presidential race continues, the fallout from this debate will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the narratives around both candidates.

With legal controversies forming a central theme of their campaigns, both Biden and Trump will likely continue to face questions about their suitability for the highest office in the land.

In conclusion, the first presidential debate of 2024 set a confrontational tone for what is expected to be a highly charged election cycle. Both Joe Biden and Donald Trump employed aggressive strategies, focusing on each other's legal entanglements rather than policy specifics. This approach, while illuminating the candidates' character and past actions, left some voters yearning for more substantive discussions on the future direction of the country.

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