More “Twitter Files” Released - Executives Looked for Any Excuse to Ban President Donald Trump

 December 11, 2022

On Friday night, Musk’s Twitter released, the third installment of internal discussions, revealing that executives at the social media company had established the “framework”, for banning Donald Trump’s account well before the events of January 6. Further, they used the Capitol riots as their excuse to finally blacklist the President.

Left-wing executives made their focus clear in statements such as-

“the narrative that Trump and his friends have pursued over the course of this election and frankly the last 4+ years must be taken into account.”

-Twitter Executives

This third release of what are known as the “Twitter Files” and the first release of documents pertaining to President Trump’s account ban in January 2021, were posted to Twitter by journalist Matt Taibbi. He explained that the internal communications at Twitter between January 6 and January 8, 2021, suggest that employees understood the move by Twitter, to censor a sitting U.S. president, would have a historical impact. Reportedly one Twitter user asked in an internal communication-

“Is this the first sitting head of state to ever be suspended?”

-Anonymous Twitter Internal Communication

Appearing to relish their newfound power, even flirting with banning future White House accounts, after banning Trump, Twitter executives, ultimately decided that accounts-

 “will be transitioned over to the new administration in due course and will not be suspended   by Twitter unless absolutely necessary.”

-Twitter Executives

Taibbi, in his Twitter thread, pointed out that the “intellectual framework” for banning Trump’s account was already laid out well before January 6, suggesting that the Capitol Riots were simply their excuse for finally doing what they had always wanted to do. He stated-

“The bulk of the internal debate leading to Trump’s ban took place in those three January days. However, the intellectual framework was laid in the months preceding the Capitol riots,”

 Matt Taibbi, Journalist

Also published by Taibbi, were several damning internal documents pertaining to Twitter, revealing executives communicating with federal agencies during the 2020 presidential election.

According to Taibbi, the internal conversation messaging program, Slack, revealed that Twitter executives were “getting a kick out of intensified relationships with federal agencies,” One such example is a conversation by former Twitter “Trust and Safety” Head, Yoel Roth, who reportedly wrote-

“I’m a big believer in calendar transparency. But I reached a certain point where my meetings became… very interesting… to people and there weren’t meeting names generic enough to cover,” and…“Very Boring Business Meeting That Is Definitely Not About Trump :)” before adding, “DEFINITELY NOT meeting with the FBI I SWEAR.”

- Yoel Roth Former Twitter “Trust and Safety” Head

The suggestion that the FBI, DHS, and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) met with Roth about the New York Post‘s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story, is supported by these newly released internal Twitter documents.  Further, this all occurred before Twitter and Facebook deliberately censored the hunter Biden Laptop story during the 2020 presidential election. Roth, in an internal chat was reported to have written-

“We blocked the NYP story, then we unblocked it… and now we’re in a messy situation where our policy is in shambles, comms is angry, reporters think we’re idiots,” Roth complained in an internal chat. “In short, FML [Fuck My Life].”

- Yoel Roth, Former Twitter “Trust and Safety” Head

Supposedly, Taibbi added that still more details regarding “the chaos inside Twitter on January 7th” and “the secret internal communications from the key date of January 8th” will be revealed over the weekend. Hence, it would seem that Musk is doing his part to get this information out piece by piece, but out, all the same. It would seem that there definitely will be more information forthcoming.

That this kind of suppression of speech could have actually happened here in the U.S. is frightening. Tragically, it just keeps getting worse with each new revelation. That Congress will be investigating this situation is hopeful – however, this pit is so deep, one is almost afraid to know how deep it is at the bottom. Further, how will those who participated, pay for the deceit they have perpetrated on the American People?

This is not a “sweep it under the rug” event – America needs to know the depths of the lefts’ censorship. Stay tuned, it sounds like there is sadly more to come.

“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”

-Abraham Lincoln
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