Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte Signs Bill Banning Transgender Treatments For Minors

On Friday, Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte of Montana, signed a bill prohibiting gender transition treatments for minors. Similar bills have been put forward in other GOP-led states across the country.

The governor's signature however, comes after controversy, over a transgender state lawmaker's opposition to the bill. SB99 was enacted after state House Republicans approved it earlier in the week.

Prohibiting puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and transgender surgeries for children, Senate Bill 99 raised the ire of Montana trans-lawmaker, Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D) who ripped colleagues, that supported the bill banning transgender medical treatments for minors.

Zephyr said when debating SB99 -

 "If you vote yes on this bill and yes on these amendments I hope the next time there’s an invocation when you bow your heads in prayer, you see the blood on your hands."

-Montana, Trans-Lawmaker, Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D)

Apparently, her (his) colleagues were not impressed by the severity of the language she (he) used during the debate and censured Zephyr, on Wednesday. House Republicans were responding to her (his) testimony delivered on April 18, claiming that GOP lawmakers, who support the measure, would have “blood on” their hands.

Purportedly, Zephyr claimed that denying gender transition medical care to youth was "tantamount to torture". She (he) also added that a ban, would lead to increased suicides among transgender children. Apparently, her (his) threatening tone was not appreciated.

Passed by a 68 to 32 vote, the censure, means that Zephyr will be excluded from the House Floor for the remainder of the legislative session, which ends May 10. She (he) will still, however, be allowed to vote remotely. U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, representing Montana, called the censure "extreme" and "undemocratic."

In their censure, Republican lawmakers accused Zephyr of presenting "hate-filled testimony" during the April 18 testimony. Initially, they responded to Zephyr's statements on the Floor by turning off her (his) microphone. Then later Republican Speaker Matt Regier, also refused to acknowledge Zephyr's request to speak on a separate bill, regarding the inclusion of a binary definition of male and female in the state code.

Zephyr claimed to be standing up for "democracy itself” in her (his) speech before the censure vote was taken. She (He) claimed-

"If you use decorum to silence people who hold you accountable, then all you’re doing is using decorum as a tool of oppression,"

-Montana, Trans-Lawmaker, Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D)

Earlier this week, in support of Zephyr’s comments, protestors gathered in the gallery at the Montana Statehouse to demand she (he) be allowed to speak. On Monday, seven arrests were made in connection with the protest, which  Zephyr declared occurred because, protestors were "defending democracy."

Though the system currently favors the GOP in Montana, it would seem that the Democratic left, is not capable of simply following the decorum that they themselves have often set up against Republicans. It would seem unless the views of the left are heeded – their toxic threats and irresponsible verbal attacks continue to escalate. Drama is their "go to" response, to being told no, we disagree.

Gratefully, censure is a way to hold even legislators accountable. Hopefully Rep. Zooey Zephyr will plan to be more respectful of her (his) colleagues in the future, and not see this censure as a “red badge of courage” for her (his) emotionally charged comments. Both sides of the isle should be respectful of positions they disagree with. Disrespect is never an answer.

“If you tolerate disrespectful behavior it will get worse over time.”

-Samara O'Shea
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