Kansas Votes to Uphold Abortion “Rights”

 August 5, 2022

On Tuesday, the State of Kansas overwhelmingly voted to uphold abortion “rights”, essentially handing the pro-life movement a defeat there. Pro-abortion activists across the country rallied to Kansas in support of the “No” vote, leading up to the vote. The interview of Kristan Hawkins, of Students For Life Action below explains how the left helped to deceptively mislead the public in voting this amendment down.

According to the New York Times, centering on whether or not the state would remove abortion rights protections in the State Constitution, the vote in Kansas on Tuesday, would have potentially paved the way for “state lawmakers to pass far-reaching abortion restrictions, or even to pursue a ban,”

The proposed amendment came after the Kansas Supreme Court ruled in 2019, that the State Constitution guaranteed a right to abortion, taking it out of the legislature’s hands.

The “No” votes to keep abortion rights in place beat the “Yes” votes by double digits – 62.2 percent versus 37.7 , with 76 percent reporting. Both NBC and the Times have projected “No” as the referendum winner. Democrat lawmakers and abortion activists celebrated the victory.

In a tweet by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), she stated-

As NBC News noted, the Kansas vote marked the first time Americans have gone to the ballot box to decide the issue of abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

“Anti-abortion activists had argued the Kansas ballot question created an opportunity to put the issue in the hands of the voters via elected state lawmakers,”…“Supporters of abortion rights warned that approval of the ballot measure would almost certainly result in the elimination or curtailment of existing rights in a state that has more lenient laws on its books compared to many
of its neighbors.”

NBC News

Those in the pro-life movement are not discouraged by the outcome of this vote, given the misleading tactics used by the left in advocating for abortion. According to Kristan Hawkins, of Students For Life Action, who was on the ground canvasing for the proposed amendment, the left ran ads that made it seem that a no vote, preserved medical freedoms – however it misleadingly used masked mandate appearing videos to do it.

See Hawkins interview here. Also note, that one of her student staff was blatantly attacked while canvassing there. Charges have been pressed.

One Blogger flatly stated-

“When abortion wins by a 25 point landslide .. in Kansas .. I'm thinking Kansas isn't really red.”

-Eric Simpson, Breitbart Blogger

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Isaiah 41:10
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