Joe Biden Tests Positive For COVID-19

 July 22, 2022

Well it was bound to happen, President Joe Biden tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday morning, the White House revealed. This announcement came just hours after returning from a trip to Massachusetts.

Stated to be experiencing “very mild symptoms”, the White House said Biden, age 79, is fully vaccinated and boosted with four shots of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine. No doubt. Remember Biden, once said that if vaccinated people cannot contract the virus. It looks like personal experience says otherwise now right Joe?

Since his last negative test was just last Tuesday, he likely was positive on Wednesday during his trip to Massachusetts, where he failed to wear a mask in public, as he met and traveled with Massachusetts officials, to deliver a speech warning of the dangers of climate change. Reportedly, Biden also spent time shaking hands with Democrat officials and supporters afterwards. Also attending the event were Massachusetts Sens. Ed Markey, Elizabeth Warren and Biden’s climate czar John Kerry with his advisor Gina McCarthy.

According to White House doctor Dr. Kevin O’Connor, Biden has a runny nose, a cough, and is experiencing “fatigue” and that his symptoms began “yesterday evening.” Biden is said to be receiving antiviral treatment with Paxlovid. The president remains in isolation until he tests negative again.

Stressing that , despite his illness, Biden would continue to hold meetings at the White House via phone and video conferencing through Zoom, officials there added-

“Consistent with CDC guidelines, he will isolate at the White House and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time”. [And The president will] “continue to work in isolation until he tests negative”.

-White House Officials

Scheduled to leave for a trip to Pennsylvania on Thursday, Biden planned to deliver a speech about crime and gun control, then participate in a fundraiser later Thursday evening, before traveling home. Those events have been canceled.

Expected to keep her public schedule and wear a mask, Vice President Kamala Harris tested negative for the virus although she was last with the president on Tuesday. Additionally, First Lady Jill Biden, tested negative for the virus and plans to travel to Detroit and Georgia for her previously scheduled events. Her aides said that she plans to wear a mask and continue to social distance out of safety.

The First Lady, plans to spend the weekend at their home in Delaware, leaving the president at the White House.

Taking the opportunity yet again, to heatedly lash out at Americans who remained unvaccinated for the coronavirus, President Biden reportedly said-

“They’ve got a problem,”…It’s not in their interest or the public’s interest not to get vaccinated,” he continued. “We have the capacity to control it. They should get vaccinated now.”

-President Joe Biden

Apparently, Biden broke all of the CDC rules and relied heavily on his own bad information that if your vaccinated, it’s not possible to get the virus.

While it is hoped that his recovery is swift, it likely will not change that fact that despite his current illness, he continues to treat Americans, who are capable of making their own decisions, like petulant children, demanding everyone drink the Kool-aide and be vaccinated.

It should be interesting to see how the White House spins this over the next few days. Get plenty of naps in Joe – at least a few more than usual.

“If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.”

-Anatole France
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