Joe Biden On The 4th Of July - America Has ‘Come Up Short’ and It’s ‘Moving Backward’

 July 6, 2022

Expressing disappointment about gun violence, and the Supreme Court decision, to overturn Roe v. Wade, President Biden celebrated Independence Day, with a sullen attitude, stating -

“Liberty is under assault, both here and abroad,” alluding to the Supreme Court decision and “In recent days, there’s been reason to think this country is moving backward, that freedom is being reduced, that rights we assumed were protected are no longer.”

-President Joe Biden

Delivering his speech from the White House, as part of a barbecue with military service members, in his speech to the American people, he revisited his presidential campaign slogan, noting the country is still in an-

 “ongoing battle for the soul of America,” adding “I know it can be exhausting and unsettling, but tonight, I want you to know we’re going to get through all of this,” referring to the U.S he added (we are) “a project that has come up short in many ways, but which continues even in this hour.”

-President Joe Biden

Celebrating a new gun control bill, that he signed in June, Biden, he alluded to the mass shooting in Chicago, noting there is still work to do. He reflected-

“You all heard what happened today. Each day we’re reminded there’s nothing guaranteed about our democracy, nothing guaranteed about our way of life. We have to fight for it, defend it, and earn it by voting,” and he called for Americans to “recommit ourselves to the great experiment.”

-President Joe Biden

Biden seemed to want to redirect the nations efforts, toward progress, however he did not instill confidence, as much as he bemoaned the sad, almost fear mongering doctrine of the left. Biden urged Americans to vote to improve the country and not get discouraged, postulating -

“For America is always becoming, always on the move, always a work in progress,” Biden said. “That’s a key word, a key idea, a key note in the life of our nation. Progress. Forward motion.”

-President Joe Biden

Then revisiting how really out of touch with the nation he is, Biden literally boasted about the strength of the economy on his watch, despite record-high inflation, the high cost of food, housing and sky-rocketing gas prices. proclaiming that-

“For all the challenges, America has the strongest economy in the world,”

-President Joe Biden

In his somber way, Joe made more of a pensive address, in that, his left-winged progressive party has had, what they consider their “freedoms” curtailed, with seemingly more opposition on the horizon. He is apparently hoping that those who support the democratic party’s policies, will not give up the fight, despite what seems to loom large in the upcoming mid-terms.  Sadly, like his administrative cronies, Biden is lost in his world of “if onlys”.

Further, he is correct in that, America’s vote is it’s voice. This nation needs to send a clear message at the polls – holding Joe Biden and his administration accountable for his disconnected, neglect of our nations needs right here at home. We need secure border’s, affordable housing, food, and gas with a strong economy that will not burden our posterity. America needs to remain…“ The land of the free and the home of the brave”.

"We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it."

-William Faulkner,
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