Joe Biden facing lawsuits after White House's failure to publish a rule that would ban menthol cigarettes

In a significant development, public health groups have taken legal steps against the White House for failing to meet a crucial deadline to ban menthol cigarettes according to a report from The Hill.

What should have been a big win for the Biden administration has been dampened by the White House's failure to publish a rule that would ban menthol cigarettes. Originally set for last August, the deadline was extended to March, only to be missed, stirring waves of frustration and concern among public health advocates and organizations.

Three leading public health entities have escalated their response to this delay by filing a lawsuit against the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services. This legal action, lodged in the Northern District of California, seeks to compel the administration to act on a decision that many believe could save hundreds of thousands of lives and address health inequities.

Lobbying Efforts And Election Year Politics

Amid the missed deadline, reports suggest that lobbying by the tobacco industry, coupled with concerns about the potential impact on Black smokers and President Biden's reelection prospects, have caused this procrastination. Despite these delays, public health advocates assert the ban on menthol cigarettes would significantly bolster health equity and the anti-tobacco campaign, saving lives in the process.

The delay in publishing the ban rule, initially set for March after an extension, was seen as a regulatory timeline with no immediate impetus for action.

However, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has engaged with various stakeholders in this period, with meetings still ongoing, indicating the government's deliberation on the issue.

Voices of Health Advocates Speak Up

A chorus of disappointed voices from public health advocacy groups accentuates the urgency and importance of this issue. They affirm that the lawsuit aims to remind the Biden administration of the critical voices beyond the tobacco industry, advocating for public health and the well-being of future generations.

For years, the battle against menthol cigarettes has transcended administrations, with the initial ban on flavored cigarettes in 2009, excluding menthol, leaving the decision to ban it in the hands of the FDA. This ongoing issue has seen legal action before, with the same three groups filing a lawsuit in 2020 over delays concerning menthol.

The High Stakes of A Potential Ban

The FDA's proposed rule in 2022 estimated that banning menthol cigarettes could prevent between 300,000 to 650,000 deaths over several decades. Despite this promising prospect, the complaint filed by the public health groups highlights a long-standing knowledge of the risks associated with menthol cigarettes, accusing the FDA and HHS of indecision since 2011.

Critics of the proposed ban argue that it could lead to an illicit market and increased over-policing in communities of color. However, the policy primarily targets manufacturers and sellers, not individuals who possess or use menthol cigarettes, aiming to mitigate these concerns.

A Race Against Time and Politics

There's a looming apprehension among advocates that a delay extending beyond the upcoming election could undo the progress made, should a different administration or Congress decide to reverse the rules. This scenario underscores the critical nature of the timing for such public health initiatives, with the fate of countless lives hanging in the balance.

In conclusion, the struggle to ban menthol cigarettes encapsulates a broader fight for public health, equity, and the prevention of tobacco addiction. The lawsuit filed by the three public health groups against the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services marks a determined push to hold the government accountable for its actions—or inactions—in this significant public health issue. As this legal battle unfolds, it underscores the imperative of following through on scientific evidence and the unyielding spirit of those fighting for a healthier future.

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