Joe Biden: America's Angry Uncle

 April 6, 2022

It's no secret that Joe Biden has anger issues. In fact, he's made it quite clear that he doesn't take kindly to being questioned about his family's corruption. This was evident during the presidential campaign and has continued into his presidency.

Recently, the Republican National Committee released a report detailing how Biden has used anger as a way to deflect questions about his family business dealings. Here are just a few examples of how Biden reacts angrily to any topic that makes him uncomfortable.

Reacting to a questions about Hunter.

Reacting to a questions about how he has dealt with Putin.

Reacting to a question about his 40-year-high inflation.

This isn't the kind of behavior we expect from our president, and it's certainly not befitting of a man who is supposed to represent the American people. Joe Biden needs to get a handle on his anger issues before they cause irreversible damage to America's global reputation and it further alienates him from the American people.

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