Jean-Pierre Stonewalls – Refusing To Answer Question About Biden Family's Reported Chinese Payments

 March 23, 2023

As a result of obtained financial records, the House Oversight Committee, demonstrated that President Biden’s family members received money from the Chinese. According to the documents received, the Biden family received $1 million in payments, although Joe Biden denied that any payments were made, when approached by a reporter about the topic just last Friday. So, who is really lying here?

Further, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, dismissed the committee’s findings as likely “lies” when she refused to answer a question put to her Wednesday. The question was concerning the payments House Republicans uncovered that documented President Biden's family’s receipt of moneys from the Chinese energy company, CEFC.

Fox News' Peter Doocy, asked during the daily White House press briefing-

"House Oversight says they've got bank records showing a Chinese energy company paying three Biden family members through a third party. What were they paid for?"

- Peter Doocy, Fox News

In her response, Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer the question, purporting that House Republicans for years have lied about the facts. She further implied that this new information is yet more “lies”. She replied-

"I don't even know where to begin to even answer that question because, again, it's been lies, and lies, and inaccuracy for the past couple of years. And I'm just not going to get into it from here,"…"Look, I'm just not going to respond to that from here," …"Look, we have heard from House Republicans for years, and years, and years the inaccuracies and lies when it comes to this issue."

- Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary

Her flat-out refusal to deal with this issue, comes on the heels of the House Oversight Committee, led by Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., revealing that financial records it obtained, that revealed that "at least three family members" received lucrative payments from a bank account belonging to a Biden business associate. This same associate, reportedly partnered with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, the president's brother, in a joint-venture called Sinohawk Holdings, which was meant to be a partnership with Chinese energy firm CEFC.

Even CNN, the liberal-left’s mouthpiece, admitted last week that the revelations certainly don’t "look good" for the Biden’s’ as they face government investigations into their family’s business dealings with the Chinese. They reported-

“CNN anchor Erin Burnett admitted that revelations showing members of the Biden family received over a million dollars from accounts linked to Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associates certainly don’t "look good" for the embattled Hunter Biden and his family as they face government investigations into their alleged corruption.” Continuing…

“During an episode of CNN’s "Erin Burnett OutFront" the host brought up subpoenaed financial records obtained by the House Oversight Committee showing that money from Joe Biden’s son was funneled to several members of the Biden family, including James Biden, and Beau Biden’s widow.”


Standing by the bank records his committee has obtained, Comer has since called on Biden to correct his "dishonest" denial of the payments. Further, in a letter to Jean-Pierre on Tuesday, Comer wrote –

"The Committee is concerned about the national security implications of a President's or Vice President's immediate family receiving such lucrative financial deals form foreign nationals and foreign companies without any oversight,"

-Rep. James Comer (R) Ky, Chairman, House Oversight Committee

“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”

-Dorothy Allison,
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