Hunter Biden Retracts Motion For New Trial In Gun Case After Conviction

 June 17, 2024

In a surprising legal twist, Hunter Biden was found guilty on firearm charges, sought a new trial citing jurisdiction issues, and then abruptly withdrew the request according to Fox News.

On Tuesday in Delaware, a jury reached a verdict against Hunter Biden, convicting him on multiple charges stemming from a gun purchase he made in 2018. The charges included making false statements during the purchase and being an unlawful drug user in possession of a firearm. This conclusion came after approximately three hours of deliberation spread over two days.

The jury's decision was influenced by evidence presented that Biden, at the time of acquiring the firearm, was involved with drugs.

Despite his defense stating he did not consider himself an active addict after undergoing rehabilitation, prosecutors painted a different picture.

They argued that Biden was deeply entangled with crack cocaine before, during, and after the gun purchase, supporting their stance with text messages indicating his ongoing drug use.

Shaky Legal Strategy

Following the guilty verdict, Hunter Biden's legal team, led by attorney Abbe Lowell, filed a motion for a new trial.

The motion was submitted because the court lacked jurisdiction, as two appeals relating to the case were still pending. Lowell stated, "The Third Circuit [appeals court], however, did not then and has not yet issued its mandate as to the orders dismissing either appeal."

However, the motion for a new trial was retracted almost as swiftly as it was submitted.

The document was withdrawn without any provided explanation, as noted by a Reuters report and subsequent corrections on court document websites. This quick reversal has added another layer of complexity to the ongoing legal saga involving Biden.

As a result of the guilty verdict, Hunter Biden is now facing significant consequences.

The combined charges could lead to a maximum of 25 years in prison. Each count also carries the potential of a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release, setting the stage for a considerable sentencing phase later this year.

However, the date for the sentencing has yet to be scheduled, leaving some uncertainty around the next steps in this high-profile case.

The Impact of Biden's Past and Legal Troubles

Hunter Biden has publicly acknowledged his struggles with substance abuse in the past, addressing them in his 2021 memoir.

His battle with addiction has been a focal point in both his narrative and his recent legal troubles. The intersection of his past drug use with the legal requirements for gun ownership formed the crux of the case against him.

As the case progresses, the legal strategies employed by Biden's defense team continue to draw attention.

Their initial move to challenge the court's authority in handling the case, followed by their quick withdrawal of that challenge, has sparked discussions among legal experts and the public alike about the possible motives and future implications.

In conclusion, Hunter Biden's legal entanglements provide a case study of the complexities of law, personal struggles, and public life. The recent court verdict, the short-lived motion for a new trial, and the impending sentencing paint a picture of a legal battle that is far from over. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching effects not only on Biden's future but also on public perception of legal accountability and substance abuse issues.

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