House Judiciary Committee Announces Probe Into Biden’s Classified Document Scandal

 January 14, 2023

On Friday, in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Jim Jordan (R) OH, announced a new investigation into President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal.

This new investigation, by the House Judiciary Committee, follows Rep. James Comer’s Oversight Committee investigation into the matter, along with the Justice Department’s special counsel’s probe. In the letter to Garland, Jordan and Rep. Mike Johnson (R) LA wrote, in part-

“On January 12, 2023, you appointed Robert Hur as Special Counsel to investigate these matters,” “The circumstances of this appointment raise fundamental oversight questions that the Committee routinely examines. We expect your complete cooperation with our inquiry.”

“It is unclear when the Department first came to learn about the existence of these documents, and whether it actively concealed this information from the public on the eve of the 2022 elections. It is also unclear what interactions, if any, the Department had with President Biden or his representatives about his mishandling of classified material. The Department’s actions here appear to depart from how it acted in similar circumstances.”

 “In fact, on August 8, 2022, despite the publicly available evidence of President Trump’s voluntary cooperation, you personally approved the decision to seek a warrant for excessive and unprecedented access to his private residence. On August 15, 2022, Committee Republicans wrote to you and FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting documents and information related to the FBI’s raid of President Trump’s residence.”

-Jim Jordan (R) OH and Rep. Mike Johnson (R) LA, House Judiciary Committee

Seemingly, not only does Jordan raise questions about the strange timing, of the public disclosure of these stashed documents, in January by Biden’s attorneys, the letter also takes AG Merrick Garland to task for his notably duplicitous form of justice of, approving a raid on former President Trump’s residence, while abstaining from the same measure against Biden, pointing out the disparity between the two situations.

Further, reportedly these investigations, into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, have occurred as Biden administration officials, have begun blaming the National Archives, for not properly taking care to protect the classified information, when Biden left the White House in 2017. It would seem that placing blame anywhere but at Biden’s feet is their focused goal. The Committee appears to be trying to get to the bottom of just exactly what happened.

Meanwhile, Biden’s personal attorneys, have admitted the president had at least three troves of stashed documents in three separate locations to date, including the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC and Biden’s garage in Delaware. Likely more may be forthcoming, since new revelations, appear to be coming daily at this point.

It is unknown, why Biden’s personal attorneys were initially looking for these classified documents. Further, it is also uncertain why attorneys are being utilized in this case, rather than staff. It would also seem that Biden is leaning heavily on these attorneys, to enable his administration a point of external focus, to combat the scrutiny that the presence of these classified documents has stirred up. This is especially true, in light of the fact that Biden, in his 60 Minutes interview last fall – took Trump to task for his “irresponsibility”.

Possibly establishing a link, to the extensive history of the Biden family business in the Ukraine, some of these classified documents, on the Ukraine, that were discovered may be related. The entangled web of historical facts that continue to raise questions, as it relates to who could have possible had access to these classified documents, remains to be unwound. These are questions that the Committee will need to ask, relate historically and then report back to the American people on.

Clearly, Joe Biden, his family and his administration, have buried the truth, which needs to be ferreted out. As this Committee, works independently, as well as collectively, with these two other investigating entities, hopefully an accurate picture of Joes entanglements, his possible compromise and the overall actions that need to be taken to deter any further vulnerability of America’s national security will become clear.

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”

-Rush Limbaugh
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