House Censures Adam Schiff For Spreading “False Accusations” Of Trump-Russia Collusion

 June 22, 2023

On Wednesday, the House voted along party lines, to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D) CA, as a formal condemnation for Schiff’s outspoken promotion of allegations that former President Donald Trump’s campaign, in the 2016 election, colluded with Russia. The vote passed 213 to 209. Six voted present, including five Republicans on the House Ethics Committee, who are now required to probe Schiff as part of the resolution.

The resolution against Schiff also stated that while he was serving as the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he-

“spread false accusations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.” and… “perpetuated false allegations from the Steele Dossier accusing numerous Trump associates of colluding with Russia into the Congressional Record.”… abused this trust by alleging he had evidence of collusion that, as is clear from reports by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and Special Counsel Durham, never existed”

-House Resolution Censuring Adam Schiff

The resolution also required Schiff to be present in the well of the House floor, essentially up front of the others present, while Speaker McCarthy read the resolution. Additionally it requires the Ethics Committee, to investigate, into Schiff’s stated  “falsehoods, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information”. A grave matter, censures are rare and serve as the highest form of punishment in Congress outside of an expulsion.

At the conclusion of the vote, Democrats, who unanimously opposed the vote, could be seen rallying around Schiff chanting “Shame! Shame!” and “Disgrace!” at House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R) CA. By demonstration, it would seem that Democrats do not see the gravity of deliberately lying to the American people not do they want to focus on the reality of the facts, preferring to live in their feelings supporting poor Adam Schiff, whose example as a liar has now been proven over and over again.

Abuse of power is just that. The clamoring apparently occurred as the speaker stood up to read the resolution, in an apparent effort to thwart his statement.  McCarthy, not to be outdone, said in response to the disruption - “I have all night.”.

By way of reminder, Schiff notoriously claimed while in his position of authority on Intelligence, that he possessed “clear evidence” that Trump colluded with the Russians. Further, he said it existed in “plain sight,” despite multiple federal investigations, as above, ultimately concluding that there was no sufficient evidence of the alleged collusion. A lie is a lie, and Schiff used it to its fullest stirring up House members and Americans alike with it.

After the 2022 election, McCarthy removed Schiff from his position on Intel. He did so for the same reasons cited in the censure resolution. You don’t leave a fox in the hen house – especially when you clearly know it’s there.

Schiff, has been boldly arrogant, never retracting his false claims. Further, he said on the House floor prior to the vote that he would wear the censure as a “badge of honor.” Schiff reportedly said-

“I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor, knowing that I have lived my oath, knowing that I have done my duty to hold a dangerous and out of control president accountable, and knowing that I would do so again in a heartbeat if the circumstances should ever require it.”

-Rep. Adam Schiff (D) CA

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R) FL led the resolution. Initially it had included a $16 million fine against Schiff, which she said would compensate for a portion of what American taxpayers ultimately paid for the Trump-Russia federal probes. However, several Republicans opposed the fine, including Rep. Thomas Massie (R) KY, who said it was unconstitutional. For that reason, Luna removed that provision before submitting it for a vote.

Currently running for the open Senate seat in California in 2024, Schiff has been fundraising off the disciplinary action against him. According to Insider, Schiff has used the censure to send out at least 20 fundraising emails, in addition to social media posts soliciting donations. Unbelievably sad is the fact that this man has no shame.

California, is there anyone left there who can stand up against this deceitful squanderer of American tax-payers money? Politicians like Schiff are bankrupting this nation. Not only should they not be elected, but they should be prosecuted for the millions they have literally stolen from average hard-working families. Lies like Schiff has promoted and arrogantly clings to, have cost this nation dearly.

“When people cheat in any arena, they diminish themselves-they threaten their own self-esteem and their relationships with others by undermining the trust they have in their ability to succeed and in their ability to be true.” 

-Cheryl Hughes
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