Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Being Forced To Explain Why Biden Let Terrorists Cross Southern Border

 April 4, 2024

Concern mounts as reports emerge of individuals from the Terrorist Watch List being released into the U.S. following their crossing from the southern border. This development has prompted serious inquiries from members of the House Homeland Security Committee, directed at Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Breitbart reported that Republican Committee members are demanding clarification from Mayorkas over the release of individuals linked to terror groups.

In a concerted effort to safeguard national security, the Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee have voiced their apprehensions regarding the process that allowed migrants on the Terrorist Watch List to integrate into the U.S. mainland. A formal letter seeking explanations was dispatched to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this past Wednesday.

The pivotal figures in forwarding this inquiry feature Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) alongside Representatives Clay Higgins (R-LA) and August Pfluger (R-TX). These members have stressed the importance of a detailed briefing concerning the assessment and subsequent release of individuals flagged under the Terrorism Watch List.

Criteria for Concern: Cases Under Scrutiny

Two distinct instances have been spotlighted by the congressional inquiry, underscoring the complexity and potential oversight within the existing border security apparatus. Initially, an individual associated with the foreign terrorist group al Shabaab was caught and then mistakenly released, with his terror affiliations confirmed only after a considerable delay. Furthermore, a Pakistani man, found to be on the terror watchlist shortly after being apprehended, was released into the U.S. through the Alternatives to Detention program.

This growing series of episodes featuring individuals on the terror watchlist being discovered within U.S. borders has amplified concerns among the nation's lawmakers. The congressmen's letter underscores a broader anxiety regarding DHS's current operational stance on processing potential threats at the border.

FBI Cautions Against Smuggling Networks

During a recent testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, FBI Director Christopher Wray shed light on the imminent peril posed by human smuggling rings with potential ISIS affiliations. This testimony adds a layer of urgency to the Homeland Security Committee's concerns, revealing potential vulnerabilities in homeland defense mechanisms.

The committee's correspondence with Mayorkas criticized the perceived lack of transparency and efficiency in handling cases involving known or suspected terrorists. Accusations have been made against Mayorkas for his alleged failure to divulge crucial information about migrants who match the criteria on the Terrorist Watch List.

A legal challenge was posed against Mayorkas by the Center for Immigration Studies last October, exacerbating the scrutiny over his department's responsiveness to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests relating to the watchlist. This lawsuit highlights a pressing need for accountability and transparency within DHS processes.

Escalating Tensions and National Security Concerns

Since the commencement of President Joe Biden's tenure, an alarming figure exceeding 300 migrants identified on the Terrorism Watch List have been intercepted crossing the southern border. This statistic not only emphasizes the ongoing challenges faced by U.S. border security efforts but also raises significant concerns about the methodology used in screening and processing these individuals post-apprehension.

"The Committee is concerned with DHS’s current practices in processing and releasing known or suspected terrorists encountered at the Southwest border," state the congressmen. Through their inquiry, they seek to untangle the intricate narrative surrounding these releases - a narrative that involves misunderstood identities, subsequent confirmations of terrorist affiliations, and controversial releases into the U.S. interior.

As the debate intensifies, one case comes to the forefront: a member of al Shabaab, misidentified and released, only for authorities to later affirm his terror affiliations. In paralleled concern, the narrative of a Pakistani man, confirmed to be on the terror watchlist yet released, underlines the pressing discussion on U.S. border enforcement's efficacy and safety protocols.

The culmination of these events - from urgent requests for clarification to FBI warnings of potential smuggling networks tied to terror groups - encapsulates a critical juncture in U.S. homeland security efforts. The congressional push for a classified briefing, coupled with longstanding accusations of information withholding, signifies a pivotal moment in the ongoing discourse surrounding national security and border management.

In conclusion, the inquiries by Republican members of the House Homeland Security Committee spotlight a sequence of procedural lapses that may have allowed individuals from the Terrorist Watch List to blend into the fabric of American society. Amidst critiques of DHS practices and calls for enhanced transparency, the narrative of these releases unfolds against a backdrop of vested national security interests and the relentless pursuit of a secure homeland.

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