Hillary Clinton Privately Says VP Harris Lacks “Political Instincts” To Win A Primary

 February 7, 2023

According to the New York Times, top Democrats are questioning Vice President Kamala Harris' leadership abilities, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even reportedly has her doubts. Two Democrats recalled Clinton's derisive remarks in private conversations calling into question Harris’s political instincts. The article discussed these Democrats recalling Clinton privately dismissing Harris' chances of clearing a presidential primary field because she lacked the necessary "political instincts.".

The Times reported –

"Two Democrats recalled private conversations in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lamented that Ms. Harris could not win because she does not have the political instincts to clear a primary field,"… "Members of Congress, Democratic strategists and other major party figures all said she [Harris] had not made herself into a formidable leader,"… "Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to, for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her,"

-New York Times

Although, the Times didn't quote him, Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill, did not issue a specific denial of Clinton's reported private thoughts. He said Clinton and Harris’ maintain a-

 "strong bond," adding "They have built and maintained a strong bond. Any other characterization is patently false," [He also claimed the two held discussions focused on their separate experiences of being] "a woman in power" [and, according to the Times, reiterated that Clinton remains] "strongly supportive" of her.

-Nick Merrill, Clinton Spokesperson

The Times article relayed Democrats' malaise around Harris' inability to "carve out" a political identity for herself beyond her legacy of many "firsts" – the first African American, Asian American and woman to serve as vice president in U.S. history.

Clinton became the first and only woman in U.S. history, to win a major party presidential nomination, in 2016. The 2020 Democratic field had a record number of women seeking the nomination. At that time Harris was among them, but they failed to win even a single primary or caucus. Harris, at that point herself, dropped out well before the Iowa caucuses in the 2020 cycle, ultimately endorsing Joe Biden before being selected as his running mate.

Over her mishandling of America's southern border crisis, Harris has faced repeated criticism, but the hits from her own arena go deeper. The Washington Post in a Jan. 30 article, concentrated on Democrats' frustrations with Harris tenure as vice president, with the report stating many are "worried" by the idea of seeing her lead the Democratic Party in the future. Others reportedly are simply uptight about her being a continued drag on the White House.

In an article by the Washington Post, they describe Harris as less than serious in leadership stating-

"She talks as if she's reading a pop-up book to a group of 4-year-olds," … "The intonation, the way she speaks… she's not a serious vice president. She wasn't a serious candidate. She flops in the public eye, and that's because we see who she truly is."

"You ask anybody in California who knew her as attorney general, they'll say she wasn't up to the job," and "Then as a senator, she was able to sort of just hide in rhetorical salads because a lot of them do that, and now as vice president it shows. So, we have a vice president who is utterly incapable of ever becoming president, and that's worrisome."

"Harris’s tenure has been underwhelming, they said, marked by struggles as a communicator and at times near-invisibility, leaving many rank-and-file Democrats unpersuaded that she has the force, charisma and skill to mount a winning presidential campaign,"

-The Washington Post

Not a point of confidence for the Democratic party, Harris will be seen by history, as the VP who was chosen because of her gender, and skin color, under the influence of the left-wing members of her party. A very poor reason to choose a vice-presidential running mate.

“A bad leader can take a good staff and destroy it, causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation.”

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