Highly Anticipated “My Son Hunter” Movie Launch Rattles The Left

 September 9, 2022

On Wednesday, the highly anticipated theatrical film, “My Son Hunter” opened to rave reviews and leftist panic, as the movie’s trailer has crested to over 4.5 million cross-platform views and continues climbing.

This is story about Hunter Biden’s bombshell, “Laptop from Hell” that, the FBI, establishment media together with its Big Tech censors, did not want the American public to see. This was in the midst of the 2020 presidential election. In fact, how the left is reporting on the movie, clearly shows that they still don’t want this story seen. It’s not hard to imagine why.

The movie “My Son Hunter”, puts the lens squarely on Hunter Biden, his corrupt business dealings, his relationship with his father, and a lifestyle that would make rock stars jealous. Above the din of the parties and the outbursts, through the haze of a crack pipe, somewhere lies the truth.

Polling conducted post election found that, 17 percent of Biden voters, would not have voted for him. had known about the “Laptop from Hell.” Even today, two years later, 63 percent of likely voters still believe the laptop story is important, according to a poll done recently. That the FBI, the leftist media and the Big Tech censors kept this story suppressed, is a national tragedy of epic proportions. However, now you can see this story for yourself. The reviews have been pouring in. Consider the following comments on this epic story, all based on true events.

The movies director Robert Davi was quoted as saying that, his movie, is Hunter’s “laptop exploded onto film.” additionally fact, President Peter Schweizer of the Government Accountability Institute said-

(“My Son Hunter” is a) “shorthand version” of his own 300-page bestselling book chronicling the Biden family corruption adding “This film is information lifted from the pages of my book and turned into the flesh,”

- Peter Schweizer, President Government Accountability Institute

Calling “My Son Hunter” an “incredible example” of conservative effort, Donald Trump Jr. said it is a good way for those  “looking for alternate venues to spend their hard-earned money.”

Former President Donald Trump himself described “My Son Hunter” as-

“part of the tip of the spear” (of a new momentum among conservatives who are busy) building their own”… “taking on the power structures that have been so heavily dominated by the left.” And “I think we’re creating an entire new economy,”

- Former President Donald Trump

During a panel discussion, on Truth Social, about My Son Hunter, Trump posted-

 “This [film] is going to be part of the tip of the spear of that. I want it to be successful because I want people to understand just how important this is. We’re fighting for our values. We’re fighting for our country, and we’re just fighting for the future that we want to leave our children.”

-- Former President, Donald Trump, TRUTH SOCIAL

Alex Marlow, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief hales Breitbart’s distribution of “My Son Hunter” as embracing the legacy of the company’s founder, Andrew Breitbart. Marlow stated-

 “I’m very proud—and I know everyone at Breitbart is—to be extending Andrew Breitbart’s legacy. He, of course, famously said, ‘Politics is downstream of the culture.’ It is the culture that is really the driving force in American life”

-Alex Marlow, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief

Tim Pool, YouTube podcaster, echoed Marlow’s comments, stating-

“Building culture is the most important thing we can do, and that’s why I think the movie you guys are doing is so important,” adding “I’m excited for this.”

- Tim Pool, YouTube

The movie is already building rave reviews as evidenced by a standing ovation at its Hollywood screening, and the fact that it is significantly triggering leftists. Describing “My Son Hunter”, others are weighing in on the film:

  • Politico states, the film is “the most ambitious Hunter Biden project to date” with “well-researched” scenes “taken from both [Bidens’] memoirs and reports derived from [Hunter’s laptop] hard drive.”
  • The Epoch Times, heralds the film as “director Robert Davi’s brilliant Biden satire”, describing actor Laurence Fox’s portrayal of Hunter Biden as “a career-defining performance.”
  • MOVIEGUIDE wrote, “My Son Hunter is extremely well-directed, written and acted, with some crazy, funny moments and high drama. It takes a complex subject with many details and boils everything down to a digestible, absorbing story,”
  • The Daily Mail quipped, “Not your mother’s conservative movie,”
  • The Spectator Australia, noted that “My Son Hunter being dangerous to the Biden Presidency and America’s reputation on the world stage is only possible because the Left are – secretively – embarrassed by the cold truth exposed by Breitbart,”
  • Hollywood in Toto’s Christian Toto stated “My Son Hunter’s end credits remind us of that sorry state of affairs. We’re treated to a ‘greatest hits’ assembly of reporters suppressing a story they feared might swing the election. It’s the perfect way to sum up the film’s purpose, to tell a story every American needed to hear,”

Meanwhile, the left is seemingly in a frenzy, with the far-left Daily Beast denouncing the film as being popular with “Kremlin-controlled propagandists.” And the equally left-wing, Daily Kos claiming that “My Son Hunter” is “a soft-porn conspiracy flick for weird conservative incels.” Adding to the foray of weirdness, The Guardian called My Son Hunter a “fiction-laced retelling of the Hunter Biden laptop nothingburger” for “fringe lunatics.”

It is truly time for the “fringe lunatics, incels and Kremlin- controlled propagandists” (or deplorables if you like), to step up, to help in the newly waged culture war, by supporting the film’s efforts to get the truth out, demanding answers of your representation, holding the Biden family and administration’s feet to the fire and not shrinking back from the fight. Begin by seeing the truth for yourself – Viewer advisory (parental discretion advised). Stream or download My Son Hunter right NOW at MySonHunter.com.

If this movie doesn’t put some shock and indignation into the soul, it’s not clear what will. This is the family, and their linked affiliates, that are at the helm of our nation. It is a tragedy of epic proportion and America was denied the information to avoid this massively bad decision, in voting for Joe Biden (“the big guy”).

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”

-Rush Limbaugh
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