Grisly Crime-Woman Kills Parents, Dismembers Bodies with Chainsaw

 January 21, 2023

In Pennsylvania, a 49-year-old woman is accused of fatally shooting her parents, then dismembering their bodies at their home. NBC Philadelphia reported, Wednesday that, officials arrested Verity Beck, and charged her with murdering her parents, Reid and Miriam Beck, who were both in their early 70s.

The couple’s son, drove past his parents’ home along the 1100 block of Beverly Road, in the Jenkintown section of Abington Township, on Tuesday, around 8 p.m. The man later told investigators that, even though he normally spoke with his mother daily, he had only received texts from his parents within the past 10 days. He hadn’t heard their voices or received phone calls from them since Jan. 7.

As he drove by his parents’ home, the man noticed his parents’ vehicles were parked outside of the home, but all the lights inside were off. Deciding to bring soup for his sister, Verity Beck, who lived inside the Jenkintown home with their parents, because she had complained about being sick, he then returned to his own home.

When he later returned to his parent’s house, he went inside and reportedly found a body on the floor of a bedroom, covered in a bloodstained sheet, and assumed it was his father. At that point, Verity Beck reportedly informed her brother, that the situation at home, had “been bad,” but she needed more time, before they notified law enforcement. He however, he ignored her and went home calling police.

When officers eventually entered the house that night, they announced themselves and Verity Beck reportedly informed them her parents were deceased. Reportedly, Beck was inside the home with the bodies for a week while she allegedly dismembered them

Inside the home, authorities found a human foot with a blanket covering a body, a chainsaw nearby, blood on the door, and two trash cans. Officials at that point, secured the home and obtained a search warrant.

Reportedly, detectives later found the body of a decapitated man, and a 55-gallon trash receptacle, holding severed body parts. They also found a pillow that appeared to have been hit with bullets and more body parts in the garage. Police officers were seen on video leaving the home’s side door while carrying large black bags. Still another video clip, shows officials moving what appears to be a large trash can out of the home, wrapped in a red bag.

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele (D) told reporters -

“This is somebody that is dismembering her mother and father and putting body parts in trash cans. Clearly, she’s trying to get rid of the evidence of her crime,”

-Kevin Steele, Montgomery County District Attorney

Inside the home, officials located three guns, with spent rounds. Two of the firearms are registered to the suspect. According to autopsies, the couple died from single gunshot wounds to the head. The suspect likely put a pillow over their faces before shooting them, and then proceeded to dismember their bodies, with the chainsaw according to officials. Held by authorities at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, Beck remains behind bars. She is being charged with first degree murder and is being held without bail.

That this person would seem so very matter of fact, or unemotional about killing, then dismembering her own parents is very horrifying. This is a tragic case of something that went very wrong. Reportedly, Beck was said to be in the house all week long with her dead parents’ bodies – also a very grisly thought.

This is the stuff horror novels and pictures are made of. Stories such as this, should stay in the imagination of movie producers and does not belong on any suburban street in America. It’s just beyond shocking. This woman needs to be mentally evaluated, to see if she is even existing in reality. That she could seemingly disconnect from the horror of this act upon her parents is just evil.

“The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”

-Joseph Conrad
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