GOP Prepares Biden Family Business Investigation Storm – “Winter Is Coming”

 July 31, 2022

After the GOP likely reclaims the House in the midterm elections, Republicans are preparing to investigate Hunter, James, and President Joe Biden’s history of shady business deals.

The Biden family business is already under scrutiny by the GOP, with plans already in process to begin to investigating criminal activities, believed to have been squelched by the current FBI and other Democratically linked   parties. Informational demand letters are in process, and strategies are under development to bring Hunter, Joe, and James Biden to justice and held accountable for the misdeeds and lies perpetrated on American citizens. This most certainly includes corporate media’s suppression, of the “Laptop From Hell” leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Undoubtedly focusing on Hunter and James’s business deals, the investigation will, prove or disprove the statements of Joe Biden and his staff, who have claimed at least seven times that the president has not been involved in Hunters business dealings. This is despite the facts, which note that there are 17 pieces of evidence demonstrating, that Joe Biden played an influential role, in his son Hunter and brother James’s activities.

The American people are not convinced that Biden is innocent, nor that the Biden family’s business is not guilty of serious crimes against America. Fifty-eight percent of voters believe that Joe Biden has played a role in his family’s business and sixty percent say, Hunter Biden has sold “influence and access” to the president, according to a recent Harris poll.

Republican House members that are leading the charge include: Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Judiciary Committee ranking member Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), GOP leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL).

The investigation is reported to focus on the following:

  • Hunter’s influence peddling while Joe Biden was vice president.
  • Family profit derived from the influence peddling.
  • Money collected by the Biden family despite no “discernible work” performed.
  • Continued business deals after Joe Biden became a civilian.
  • False statements that Joe Biden never spoke to his family about the business deals.

In July, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) told Politico that he’s already strategizing about who the top Republicans will be to join him in the investigative effort. He stated-

“We’re going to spend a lot of time in the first three, four months having investigation hearings and then we’re going to be very active in the subcommittee process… I’m going to bring the Oversight Committee back to what its original intent was,” adding-

“There are decisions that Joe Biden’s making every day in this White House that are questionable, that go against what I think the majority of Americans would expect from the White House,” Comer said, “and yet, these decisions are made, in my opinion, because he was compromised by his son’s shady business dealings.”

- Rep. James Comer (R-KY)

Also focused on the investigation in a no-nonsense manner, is Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who on Thursday, hammered Matthew Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, for not being willing to answer whether “Hunter Biden [is] a national security threat.” Gaetz, flatly told him-

“Winter is coming,”… “We’re going to be in the majority, and then you’re going to have to answer these questions for the country.”

-Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL),

A demand letter to Hunter Biden’s wealth adviser, to turn over “suspicious” bank records that are connected to the Biden family business schemes, was issued on Wednesday by Comer. Presently, his request, is only a request, but after November, Comer will be able to compel Hunter’s wealth adviser to answer the demand letter.

Requesting specific information connected to 150 flagged wire transactions, by U.S. banks between Hunter and James Biden, Comer’s letter seeks to gain access to the Biden’s corrupt business practices. Comer is suspicious that these wire transfers are linked to Hunter’s business accounts under Prewitt’s management,  believing that Hunter’s bank accounts relate to his corrupt business activities with: Owasco LLC, Skaneateles, Owasco PC, and Rosemont Seneca Advisors.

In April, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) told CBS News, that James and Hunter Biden were both directly paid by Chinese entities and promised retainer fees for their China work, receiving in total $165,000. Not the only senator alarmed about the Biden family business, Grassley is joined by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who has demanded Joe Biden’s top law enforcement officer, Attorney General Merrick Garland, appoint a special counsel to provide a degree of separation between Biden’s administration and the probe.

Because Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by Hunter, and may have influenced the ongoing investigation, legal experts have stated a special counsel is necessary. To date this has not occurred but Garland, is instead fixated on prosecuting “anyone” who is found complicit, in the January 6th insurrection, as it is referred to, by the special committee already in process. Garland is essentially publicly ignoring the Hunter Biden matter.

Particularly focused on the media’s role in covering up the Biden family scheme, Senator Johnson told Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures-

“They covered it up,” …” “and as a result, they got Joe Biden elected; now they continue to cover up for him. But this is troubling. Now, we have actual bank records that verify what we reported. … the laptop is obviously a treasure-trove of additional corroborating evidence as well.”

-Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)

While mid-term elections loom large, and the GOP waits to reclaim the House, Joe Biden’s team has refused to answer questions about the family’s business dealings on at least 11 occasions. In her business as usual manner, White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly stated-

“I am not going to talk about alleged materials on a laptop. It’s not happening,”

- Karine Jean-Pierre WH Press Secretary

In response to the stone-walling of the White House, Comer, McCarthy, and Jordan, in an attempt to reassure voters, of the investigative storm coming, after the midterms, the three reportedly wrote in the New York Post-

“In November, the American people will decide whether they accept being told what information they are allowed to know by a colluding media, including who is making policy decisions for this country and for whose interests,” adding “A Republican majority will be committed to uncovering the facts the Democrats, Big Tech and the legacy media have suppressed,”

- Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA),Jim Jordan (R-OH),

Justice seems hard to wait for, and yet America would not want the opportunity to occur without the proper due process of law. Since the rule of law is to be observed for all Americans, we need this to be done right and in order. Lady justice is very slow for a reason. Every concerned citizen should make a CLEAR EFFORT to get to the polls this November, to elect conservatives across this nation, to enable the justice system to finally work. Those in Congress are poised to do their job – May America sound off with the votes to back them.

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

-Galations 6:7 New International Version
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