GOP Lawmaker Stripped Of Committee Roles After Social Media Post

 February 12, 2024

Michigan State Rep. Josh Schriver (R) faced significant repercussions due to a social media post talking about the "Great Replacement" which triggered outrage from Democrats.

Fox News reported that Schriver was stripped of his committee assignments and had his staff oversight transferred, by House Speaker Joe Tate (D). The immediate repercussions directed at Schriver contrasts sharply with how many Democrats who have espoused fringe ideas have been treated.

Schriver is being crushed because of his social media activity yet Democrats like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are running around spreading vile antisemitism with very little retaliation from Republicans.

An Indictment Against Hate Speech

The incident that precipitated this outcome took place on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, where Rep. Schriver made a post that ignited widespread controversy. His post featured a world map marked with black figures outnumbering white ones, accompanied by the phrase “The great replacement!"

House Speaker Joe Tate, an African American Democrat, was among the first to condemn Schriver's actions. Tate made it clear that the Michigan House of Representatives would not serve as a platform for "racist, hateful and bigoted speech."

Losing A Privilege, Gaining A Lesson

Following the uproar caused by the controversial post, Schriver, a Republican lawmaker representing parts of Oakland and Macomb counties since 2022, saw swift actions taken against him. On Monday, he was relieved of his committee assignment, a crucial role in legislative processes, although he retained the right to vote on the House floor. Additionally, the oversight of his staff was shifted to the House Business Office, a move signaling the severity of his actions.

Speaker Tate explicitly criticized Schriver for promoting debunked and dangerous theories, emphasizing the risk they pose to the safety of Michigan residents and the conducive environment for a diverse legislative community.

A Denial Amidst the Storm

Despite the overwhelming criticism, Schriver has remained defiant. Before the disciplinary actions, he had publicly refuted allegations of racism, arguing that his post was a commentary on what he perceived as an agenda against the white population.

In his defense, Schriver stated to The Detroit News, "I’m opposed to racists, race baiters, and victim politics." The lawmaker argued against what he views as a demoralization and reduction of the white population, stances that have sparked considerable debate within and beyond Michigan.

Governor's Standpoint on Racial Unity

Adding a statewide perspective to the discussion, Governor Gretchen Whitmer did not shy away from expressing her disdain for Schriver's post. Labeling it as "abhorrent rhetoric", she took a stand for unity against racial division.

"We will never let those who stoke racial fears divide us," declared Gov. Whitmer. Racial fears have been a Democrat calling card for years but the moment Schriver dare discuss something that goes against the narrative, Democrats are using everything in their power to silence him.

The fact that American's aren't allowed to talk about certain topics should raise serious questions with Americans of all colors and creeds. There is a clear and obvious agenda at play here and the way Schriver has been treated is worrisome.

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