Girls Youth Sports Under Attack AGAIN - Utah's Legislators On Fire

 March 27, 2022

In a stunning turn of events, Utah's legislators won against Governor Spencer Cox's veto on a bill that would allow transgender youth in competing on girls teams.

The legislation was originally met with opposition by eight Utah legislators, whom then changed their votes and joined the supermajority to help appose the bill HB11. This is a huge step forward in women's sports, which has taken decades to build up. We need more politicians like Rep. Kera Burkeland who will stand up for our future generations and protect the progress that has been have made in female sports.

In response, Republican Governor Cox said, “Tried to do what I feel is the right thing regardless of the consequences.” Those who should value all the effort that it took to progress female sports are ultimately devaluing women-hood for their perceived "progressive" future. It's disheartening that a sitting republican Governor would strip these young women from their achievements and potential collegiate careers.

It is an aggressive move of “inclusivity” at the cost of our girls teams. Transgender athletes competing in girls sports is not inclusive, it's unfair. Regardless of their emotional state and mental health, transgender youth still have male physiology. This actually hurts our girls in sports and disregards all their dedication since they can't compete on the same level physically, which effect their own mental health as well.

We can only hope that more politicians have the same backbone to stand firm against this kind of discrimination to our biological female players. Girls sports under attack is not a new story, but it is one that we must continue to fight.

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