Gavin Newsom's Senate Pick Appears to Erase Online Evidence of Maryland Residency

 October 2, 2023

In a move that has raised eyebrows, California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent appointee to replace the late Senator Dianne Feinstein appears to have hastily scrubbed online evidence suggesting she resides in Maryland.

This development adds another layer of controversy to an already contentious appointment, leaving many to question the transparency and integrity behind the selection process.

The Digital Cleanup

Screenshots from Laphonza Butler's X account, formerly known as Twitter, showed her location listed as "Maryland" just this past Sunday when news of her appointment broke. This information has since been removed.

Furthermore, Butler's bio on EMILY's List, a pro-abortion advocacy group where she serves as president, was altered to remove references to her living in Maryland. "She lives in Maryland with her partner Neneki Lee and their daughter Nylah," read the original bio, which has now been deleted.

The Official Records

Adding fuel to the fire, a Federal Election Commission filing from EMILY's List identified Butler as a resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, as recently as August 31. Neither EMILY's List nor Butler have responded to questions regarding this issue.

Governor Newsom's office, however, stated that Butler moved to the suburbs near Washington, D.C., when she took over as EMILY's List president in 2021 and that she owns a house in California.

The Implications

Governor Newsom described Butler as an "advocate for women and girls, a second-generation fighter for working people, and a trusted adviser to Vice President Harris." Yet, the scrubbing of online evidence raises questions about her eligibility and the transparency of the appointment process.

As she is expected to complete the remainder of Feinstein's term, the issue of her residency could become a significant point of contention ahead of the 2024 elections.


While Laphonza Butler may have a history of involvement in California politics, including serving as a senior adviser to Kamala Harris's 2020 presidential campaign, the sudden removal of online information about her Maryland residency casts a shadow over her appointment.

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