Four Dems Join GOP As House Votes To End Biden’s Crackdown On Gas-Powered Trucks

 May 24, 2023

According to Rep. Troy Nehls, (R)Texas, environmental rules targeting truck emissions could 'lead to a litany of further supply chain disruptions'. Nehls, a member of the Transportation Committee's Highways and Transit subcommittee, introduced a resolution as a companion bill to one that Sen. Deb Fischer, (R)Neb., unveiled in the Senate two months earlier. The House legislation, passed Tuesday, rejects a Biden administration environmental regulation that targets heavy-duty vehicle tailpipe emissions.

With 217 Republicans and four Democrats voting in favor, literally a 221-203 vote, the House approved the resolution. The Senate had previously passed Fischer’s measure in April, paving the way for the House vote Tuesday. In his remarks on the House floor ahead of the vote, Nehls reportedly said-

"Folks, I want to be crystal clear today,". "Woke bureaucrats in Washington are on a climate justice crusade using the heavy hand of government to go after the trucking industry that keeps America moving. And in the last three decades, we've made significant, significant strides in the right direction to decrease emissions and increase efficiency."

"The EPA unilaterally imposed this detrimental rule which could lead to a litany of further supply chain disruptions across the country, hit the smaller mom-and-pop trucking companies the hardest and pass along increased costs to the American consumer," he said. "This is exactly why it is imperative that the House passes this joint resolution to nullify this burdensome regulation."

- Rep. Troy Nehls, (R) Texas

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), back In December, finalized the rules that it said at the time were the "strongest-ever national clean air standards to cut smog-and soot-forming emissions from heavy-duty trucks." The new standards went into effect on March 27. The rules however, will be implemented for new trucks sold after 2027.

President Biden has called for wide-scale electrification of the transportation sector. As part of his aggressive climate agenda, the Biden administration is set to introduce restrictive tailpipe standards to push EV proliferation. If he can gain ground with emissions control, he has a sure platform for future EV laws.

More than 80% tougher than current standards, the EPA projected that these new regulations, would prevent up to 2,900 premature deaths and ensure 3.1 million fewer cases of asthma. However, Republicans argued that the regulation – estimated to cost an estimated $39 billion, according to American Action Forum, was "onerous" and would hurt small trucking businesses by forcing them to adopt costly technology.

Led by Sen. Fischer, who said the "last thing this country needs is more expensive freight costs and fewer truckers," she introduced the measure opposing Biden’s EPA rules. With more than 30 senators, she introduced the Senate resolution to reject the rule in February. It passed on April 26th in a 50-49 vote.

Biden, has vowed to veto the resolution. With the close vote in both chambers, the indication is that there are not  enough votes to override a veto. Democrats continue to claim that the regulations are a necessary tool to boost public health. On Tuesday, Frank Pallone, (D) N.J., House Energy and Commerce Committee ranking member said-

"The trucking industry is a leading source of this dangerous air pollution,". "And it is especially dangerous for the 72 million Americans who live near truck freight routes across the United States. The EPA rule will cut NOx pollution from these vehicles by nearly half in 2045." …adding "The Republican CRA that we are debating this afternoon would abandon all of the public health, economic, and environmental justice benefits that come with the EPA rule,"

-Frank Pallone, (D) N.J.

In going after the Trucking industry “ that keeps America moving” the Biden administration continues to demonstrate a clear distain for the American people, who have already lived in shell-shock,  under his supply chain neglect. Further, America does not need a babysitter for its health, regardless of the altruistic sounding platform. It’s not like environmental protections over the past years have not made many strides in cleaning up the environment we currently live in. Speaking of acquired asthma, where is his attack on the tobacco industry?

This is a clear push for Biden’s stated EV program and his goal of ridding Americans of the choice or opportunity of buying anything but electric vehicles. If you look at the People Republic of California, EV’s are not efficient, run on electricity generated by fossil fuel and pollute the environment as a result of not only battery acquisition, from the Chinese, but also in disposal of their toxic waste. Biden’s policies are surface sheen covering toxic facts. But then, Biden is known for supporting and proliferating deceitful standards – no matter the cost to American’s.

“Bad leaders care about who is right. Good leaders care about what is right.'”

-Simon Sinek,
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