FL Gov. DeSantis Announces Upcoming “Permanent Protections” Against “Biomedical Security State”

 January 18, 2023

On Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) previewed “permanent protections” against what he described as the biomedical security state.

In speech given to a crowd in Bay County, DeSantis reiterated that Florida’s reputation as a free state did not occur by accident. He reminded his constituents, that his administration fought against government mandates and restrictions throughout the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. DeSantis said, even President Biden, was working with the medical establishment and corporate media to “impose a biomedical security state on society.”

DeSantis said, pointing to the attempted employer mandate and discrimination against unvaccinated individuals and those who refused to wear a mask-

“They sought to marginalize people who declined COVID jabs by using things like vaccine passports. They sought to prevent people from being able to earn a living,”

-Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida

Noting that Biden has also attacked Americans, DeSantis said, who have refused to get the jab, even those who already had natural immunity, he went on to say, that masking still remains a point of contention. In explaining his focus, he said that Florida plans to address this matter in the next legislative session. Hoping to make the protections against these mandates permanent, DeSantis continued-

“They were not following the science,”…“You still have universities that are forcing these students to get these booster shots …” [adding that there should be] “no turning back from our direction.”…“We need to continue to lead, and we need to lead with this,” …“We need to lead with this by making all of these protections permanent in Florida statute, which we are going to do in the upcoming legislative session,”

[explaining outcomes, he added] “So no discrimination on this vax status, no requirements of masking in lieu of vax or for any other reason,”…” You know sometimes, you just have to say enough is enough,”

-Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida

With a clear majority in the Florida’s Congress, DeSantis bold plan is sure to gain traction in the days to come. Further, that he plans to make this a state statute, sends a clear message to the Biden administration. It also paves the way for other states of similar mindset, to enact statutes of their own, enabling their citizens to find freedom once again within the borders of their own state. America will be watching.

“When we stand up for what we believe in—for what’s right—there is always a chance that we risk the very things we fight for: our safety, our lives, our freedom. But if we stand down, the risk is definite.”

-Kelseyleigh Reber
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