Family Of Woman Murdered By MS-13 Commends Clinton for Condemning Biden-Harris Border Failures

 October 15, 2024

In a surprising intersection of politics and a harrowing crime story, the family of Rachel Morin has publicly expressed gratitude toward former President Bill Clinton amid their grief.

Breitbart reported that Clinton's recent remarks on unvetted immigration were welcomed by Rachel Morin's family, echoing their calls for stricter border controls following her tragic death.

Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five, was the victim of a brutal murder in 2023. Her alleged perpetrator, Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, has faced severe charges, including first and second-degree murder, as well as charges of rape, sexual offenses, and kidnapping.

Martinez Hernandez's criminal background has left many questioning how he managed to enter the United States.

Reports suggest he crossed the U.S. border after already being apprehended three times in 2023. Before his illegal crossing, accusations of murder in El Salvador loomed over him.

Clinton Addresses Border Issues in Georgia

Former President Bill Clinton, on a campaign trail in Fort Valley, Georgia, for Vice President Kamala Harris, broached the subject of immigration policies in the U.S. During his speech, he cited the tragic cases of Rachel Morin and another victim, Laken Riley, to underscore the repercussions of insufficient border vetting.

In Georgia, a separate incident involved the untimely death of Laken Riley, allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant. Clinton's acknowledgment of these cases resonated with those affected, including Rachel's family.

Clinton stated, "You had a case in Georgia not very long ago," referring to the incident involving Riley. He pointed out that proper vetting might have prevented such tragedies.

Upon hearing Clinton's comments, Rachel Morin's family, known as the Angel Family, publicly commended him.

They expressed disappointment that such acknowledgments did not come from current leadership.

Patty Morin voiced a clear message of support for Clinton's candor, asserting that better border security could have spared the lives of both Rachel and Riley. Her words reflected a desire for accountability and acknowledgment from those in power.

Patty emphasized her point, declaring that Clinton's acknowledgment highlights a significant failure in current policies, which she believes led to unnecessary American casualties.

Criticism of Biden Administration's Silence

The Morin family has not only expressed their approval of Clinton's comments but has also criticized the Biden administration for their silence on the issue. Randolph Rice, speaking on behalf of the family, has openly addressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of response from the President and his administration.

Rice's statement cast a critical eye on the current administration, accusing them of neglecting the safety of American citizens. He remarked on what he perceives as a lack of concern and empathy for victimized families like theirs.

In a continuation of this theme, Rice highlighted what he views as a disregard for victims of crimes committed by individuals who have entered the country illegally. His comments suggest a deep-seated frustration with perceived governmental inaction.

With an ongoing desire for change, the Morin family’s plea for acknowledgment is underscored by a broader call to action. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and preventing the repetition of violence fueled by lapses in immigration policy.

While the loss of Rachel Morin has undoubtedly devastated her family, their public statements reflect a determination to align themselves with voices that advocate for policy reforms. They see this advocacy as a way to honor Rachel's memory.

In reflecting the broader concerns of many affected by such crimes, the Morin family's gratitude towards Clinton's remarks spotlights the complexities of immigration debates in the U.S. They hope it serves as a catalyst for policy change and greater protective measures.

The Morin family's response is just one example of the nationwide discourse on immigration that spans diverse political and personal spectrums. This case and others like it serve as a rallying point for families urging legislative reforms.

The family's stance not only highlights their personal grievances but also serves as a reminder of the broader implications of immigration policies on American soil. Their story, deeply entwined with tragedy, seeks to be a voice for those unable to speak.

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