Mass Facebook Layoffs Leave Business Customers Exposed To Scams And Other Issues

 April 8, 2023

Exposing influencers and businesses to scams and other issues, mass layoffs at Facebook (Meta) have created limited customer service help. According to a report by CNBC two rounds of layoffs that Facebook implemented in late 2022, totaling about 21,000 job losses, significantly negatively impacted its customer service operations.

Layoffs have also left these business customers struggling to get the proper support for problems impacting their accounts. In January, Meta even ended a customer-support feature for privileged users who manage popular Facebook communities and groups. It’s as if they just stopped caring about issues that are frustrating their users.

Some examples of this struggle for support, as noted by Breitbart are-

“Instagram influencer Katya Karlova, who resides in Los Angeles, has firsthand experience with this lack of assistance. Scammers who used her photos to make fake accounts targeted her account. Karlova expressed her annoyance in an interview, saying, “This is really damaging. This is my brand, and I work really hard to build it to be something impactful and positive.” She tried to report these fake accounts, but the Instagram support staff wasn’t very helpful.”

“Marketing expert Amanda Holliday has observed the mounting resentment among her corporate clients who are having trouble getting help from Facebook. She said, “It’s pretty much impossible to get a hold of anyone. They walk you through steps you need to do for things, and then you’re just sort of left like holding your phone waiting, hoping that they got your request or issue, and then you don’t hear anything usually.”


It would seem, that concerns expressed about the future of customer service on the platform, is now warranted. This is especially true, since it appears that these layoffs, have left the media giant with little to no staffing for customer support. In fact, reportedly, in their internal communications, Meta is not even resolving the issues on the behind the scenes “fix it list” that exists to support friends, family and close associates at Facebook. Little wonder why these influencers and businesses are struggling – they have fallen off of the “your business matters” list.

“Leadership is not a popularity contest; it’s about leaving your ego at the door. The name of the game is to lead without a title.”

-Robin S. Sharma


“Earn your success based on service to others, not at the expense of others.”

-H. Jackson Brown Jr.
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