Ex-Biden Official, Sam Brinton, Purportedly “Openly Genderfluid”, Is Spared Jail Time in Las Vegas Luggage Theft

 April 15, 2023

Sam Brinton, the Former Senior Department of Energy Official, who self-identifies as “openly genderfluid,” was caught on camera stealing luggage last year at an Airport in Las Vegas. As part of the plea deal, Brinton was also charged with a misdemeanor instead of a felony. Reportedly he has now been ordered to pay $3,670 in restitution to the victim. Brinton’s sentencing occurred in Las Vegas.

Remarkably, Brinton was spared jail time, after pleading no contest Wednesday to the theft. According to court records obtained by Fox 5,  for Brinton’s walking away with a woman’s suitcase from Las Vegas‘ Harry Reid International Airport in July 2022, his misdemeanor conviction sentence was, shockingly, a 180-day suspended sentence. Additionally, Brinton was instructed by the judge to avoid engaging in any further criminal activity, as per the court documents in Las Vegas. Literally, after nationally cavorting around wearing the stolen clothing, and lying about the matter, Brinton walked away with a hand-slap, while his victims get no justice.

Soon after the incident was made public, the 35-year-old MIT grad was fired. According to Breitbart News, Brinton was originally seen on surveillance footage wearing a white T-shirt ,with a large rainbow-colored atomic nuclear symbol design, as well as caught wearing the same, in an Instagram photo posted later that day. Brinton was literally seen red-handed between the video and the post.

Brinton, who was appointed to his post by the Biden administration, had been responsible for nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Prior to the appointment, Brinton openly opposed LGBT conversion therapy, describing it as “pretty much mental torture.”

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

-Thomas Jefferson
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