‘Establishment’ House Republicans Oppose Impeaching Biden

 November 19, 2022

On Thursday, establishment House Republicans, indicated that they oppose impeaching President Joe Biden. This is despite the fact, that they have reclaimed the House majority. These Republicans, now with more power in the majority, believe impeaching Biden is not a good idea. This is all despite conservative members of the House, who have filed nine articles of impeachment, against Biden since 2021.

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) who recently won his election by about ten points, over his Democrat challenger, told Politico-

 “We shouldn’t even be talking about that”…“There’s so many problems we’ve got to deal with on the policy front … I don’t like the fact that that’s even being discussed,”

- Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)

Additionally, Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who won his re-election by a narrower margin, said impeaching Biden, like the Democrats impeached former President Trump, for a “perfect phone call,” does not appeal to independents. He stated-

“I want to warn our colleagues: There may be some activists in our party that want impeachment. But I can tell you that the swing voters and the independent voters don’t. …We change leadership by elections, impeachment is the outlier,”

-Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE),

Echoing these House members’ opposition, Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)  who won his district by about 30 points, said-

 “The failure to win the Senate hurts a lot, and I think, to be honest, the margin does make a difference. A lot of the people that put us in the majority are from relatively moderate seats. I would hate to put them in that position unless there was an overwhelming reason to” [impeach].

 -Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)

Effectively, nine articles of impeachment of been filed against Biden, in the past two years. These reasons for impeachment range from - selling oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to foreign nations, the deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, the open U.S. southern border, and pandemic overreach. These are not light matters and certainly do not compare to a head of state phone call.

In September, Rep. Jim Banks (R-ID), a conservative fighter in the House, said that Republicans will investigate Biden, which will lead Republicans to an “appropriate conclusion” of whether to impeach him or not. Reportedly, Banks told Axios-

“When we get control, we need to launch investigations and let that lead us to the appropriate conclusion and repercussions,”

-Rep. Jim Banks (R-ID)

Also, when interviewed by Axios, before the midterm election, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, indicated that he was only focused on winning back the House from Rep. Nancy Pelosi. McCarthy said-

“We just put out the Commitment to America, that’s what we’re focused on,”

- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy

On the other hand, the Biden administration is trying to push the narrative that Republicans aren’t serious about getting things done for the American people. Ian Sams, White House counsel’s office spokesman, reportedly in an interview with Politico, pushed back on the possibility of Republicans actually holding Biden accountable for his failures, stated-

“Instead of working with President Biden to address issues important to the American people, like lower costs, congressional Republicans’ top priority is to go after President Biden with politically-motivated attacks chock full of long-debunked conspiracy theories,”

- Ian Sams, White House Counsel’s Spokesman

The beauty in this discussion, is that there are a multitude of committees, that have a whole plethora of issues to work on, especially those that encompass the areas currently neglected like the border, inflation, crime and so on. That there may be the need to impeach Biden, does not preclude these committees from doing their job. Each member needs to focus their personal energies, in those areas that they are best suited to deal with.

Yes, there’s much to be done in Congress, however, the fact that Biden’s administration has flagrantly continued to attack Americas’ Constitutional freedoms, pandered to known U.S. enemies, all while squandering U.S. resources - has to be dealt with. If you have cancer - a bandage or dressing will not keep it from killing you. The cancer must be cut out, irradiated and maybe even attacked with chemotherapy. Aggressive cancer requires aggressive treatment.

If this nation is to truly heal - the offending disease needs irradiated to prevent more spread and further generalized and systemic dysfunction. This nation will heal, but not by glossing over the reality of what has and continues to happen. Hopefully, there are those now in the House, who will make a case for saving the patient, rather than allowing America to languish while the cancer within our nation - silently kills it.

Like one news commentator on Fox purported – there is enough work to go around. Each committee must see to the tasks before them – collectively drawing strength from the knowledge that they are all working for the good of the American people, who have task them with saving our Republic and defending our freedoms on many fronts.

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. “

-Alexander Graham Bell
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