Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty In Manhattan Court

 April 5, 2023

Tuesday afternoon, during his historic arraignment, Former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Trump entered police custody around 1:30 p.m. in the Manhattan courthouse, where he surrendered to authorities before the arraignment.

Reportedly, he was arrested around 1:35 p.m. and appeared before the judge, who charged him with 34 counts of falsifying business records, at 2:45 p.m. He then pleaded not guilty to the indictment.

Trump had previously posted on Truth Social, upon arriving at the courthouse-

 “Seems so SURREAL — WOW, they are going to ARREST ME. Can’t believe this is happening in America. MAGA!”

-Former President Donald Trump

The media was not allowed to live stream the court proceedings, per the judge’s previously stated orders. However, photographers, were allowed to enter the courtroom to take photos before the proceedings began. They were able to capture images, before they were seen leaving the courtroom, just before the actual proceedings.

Describing the facility and courtroom, Scott McFarlane of CBS News tweeted-

“The hallway on the 15th floor of the Manhattan courthouse is roasting hot. Stuffy. Dark. Dank. Looks like an older middle school hallway would look [and the courtroom] “as stuffy, warm, and feeling like an old middle school, not like ornate federal courtrooms.”

- Scott McFarlane of CBS News

If convicted, on all 34 counts of falsification of a business record, Trump could face up to 136 years. The judge would decide the sentence. However, the more likely maximum is probably four years, or less. This is because the crime

with which Trump is charged is a “Class E” felony, which carries a maximum sentence of four years, under New York State law.

The judge, under New York State sentencing guidelines, could require that the sentences be served consecutively. However, if the judge does not require that, New York penal guidelines require the sentences to run concurrently, it states that-

“When more than one sentence of imprisonment is imposed on a person for two or more offenses committed through a single act or omission, or through an act or omission which in itself constituted one of the offenses and also was a material element of the other, the sentences, except if one or more of such sentences is for a violation of section 270.20 of this chapter [unlawful wearing of a body vest], must run concurrently.”

-New York State Sentencing Guidelines

In his resolute fashion Trump waved at supporters that greeted him on all sides, before he left for the plane, before he went into court in Manhattan and as he left the courthouse to fly back to Florida. There were only peaceful supporters, orderly numbers of well-wishers and waving pro-Trump admirers. There were no riots, no unrest and no demonstrations worthy of all the tax-payer’ dollars spent, there in New York, that Mayor Adams has prepared for. There again was no – there, there.

If the left was waiting for a riot, a display of disrespect, masses who might storm the courthouse or the proceeding, they were sorely disappointed. They got their day to demonstrate their authority – but came off looking like buffoons as Bragg indicted for the first time, a former President of the United States.

What was worse was the fact that in their indictment, DA  Bragg did not say what actual criminal offense Trump was supposedly intending to cover up. Reportedly, this was done to not tip his hand. Further the list of their counts in the indictment, were also interrelated to each other and basically said nothing new. This was also a case of no there-there.

The whole matter is a show of political force and hatred toward Trump. Sadly, while the world is full of evil, that will soon be upon us, the news media ate it up. Again the Democrats succeeded in keeping America’s focus off of their deceit and administrative blundering. This event will hopefully reveal to the American people just how much the progressive left does not care about the average American, nor the principles on which our republic was founded. The truth however – will have its day of reckoning.

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”

-Rush Limbaugh
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