Doctor’s License Revoked After Prescribing ‘Transgender’ Puberty Blockers To Children Over Ten-Minute Skype Call

 May 30, 2022

After it was determined by a medical peer review, that his treatment of 24 patients constituted a “catalogue of failings”, Dr. Michael Webberley has had his name removed from the medical registry. It was found that he had prescribed puberty blockers to a nine-year-old who supposedly wanted to be a boy.

Reportedly, Dr. Webberley prescribed puberty blockers after a Skype consultation that lasted only ten minutes. In fact, prescriptions for these medications can be supplied after just two skype sessions, and with no parental consent. This circumstance represents a shocking disregard for the safety of these children, their parent’s rights, and the local medical board laws.

Webberley, it was reported by The Telegraph ran an extremely controversial “GenderGP” online clinic, which used legal loopholes to get EU doctors to prescribe British children sex-change drugs, with seven of the 24 patients reviewed by a tribunal (medical peer review) being related to the service.

Because he is a consultant gastroenterologist, this tribunal  concluded that Webberley acted “outside the limits of his expertise” in his actions, without the required qualifications in general practice, or the specialties of transgender medicine and / or pediatrics.

In the same article it was reported that Dr. Webberly name was removed from the registry in light of the-

“Absence of any expression of regret and/or remorse, insight and/or remediation” from him, the tribunal ruling him “liable in the future to put patients at risk, bring the medical profession into disrepute, breach fundamental tenets of the profession and act dishonestly.”

The Telegraph

Dr. Helen Webberley, his wife, has also received an interim suspension from a tribunal, having been previously fined for running an unlicensed transgender clinic from her home. The pair certainly are determined to work around the law to meet their goal of providing services despite any correction by their medical review boards.

By using legal loopholes, the GenderGP service was able to prescribe puberty blockers to children, by using doctors working from within the EU, despite a ban being in place at the time, preventing local doctors from prescribing under-16s such a drug. However, GenderGP reportedly has defended its actions, while also confirming that it had proscribed sex-change hormones to children as young as 12, and puberty blockers to children as young as ten.

The Telegraph was reportedly told-

“GenderGP operates according to a gender-affirming model of care,” and “Transgender patients of all ages who come to our service can be assured of receiving belief, support and compassionate access to medical care”, claiming that “GenderGP is an international organization which operates 100% legally and we are committed to improving trans-healthcare at a fundamental level throughout the world.”

Sadly, this sounds very much like what is already happening across our 50 states. According to the “Human Rights Campaign'' their site hosts an interactive map that lists clinical care programs for Gender-Expansive Children and Adolescents. It spans from coast to coast and is actively seeking participant clinics to list. One wonders what oversight these clinics have right here in America’s backyard, and what services they are performing without some kind of medical board review. America’s children are at risk and this matter needs researched from a safety perspective. Hopefully, this blatant disregard for the fact that these children are too young to make these choices, will be addressed after this fall’s election. Enough is enough.

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