D.C. Mayor’s Request For Nat’l Guard To Handle Illegal Immigration Influx Biden’s Pentagon Again Rejects

 August 26, 2022

Earlier this month, Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) requested Biden’s Department of Defense to deploy the D.C. National Guard, after her last request was rejected by the administration. The second request comes as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) continues to bus border crossers and illegal aliens to the nation’s most dangerous sanctuary cities.

Apparently, Biden’s Pentagon has again rejected Bowsers request, to activate the National Guard to help with the influx of illegal immigration.

According to a copy of a letter to the city reviewed by the Associated Press, the Defense Department said-

“…use of the D.C. National Guard would be inappropriate and would hurt the overall readiness of the troops, forcing some to cancel or disrupt military training.” [Emphasis added] The letter said the department also is concerned about putting uniformed military members in direct contact with migrants to provide food, sanitation or other support, saying the troops have no real experience or training for that mission. [Emphasis added]”

- the Associated Press

Worried about “the optics” of pro-sanctuary city Democrats like Bowser, sounding the alarm on illegal immigration,

Biden officials were quick to deny the request.

In her recent National Guard request, Bowser called the arrival of the buses a “crisis”…adding that Abbott’s migrant buses had brought Washington D.C. to a “tipping point”. Since Abbott started the initiative, more than a few thousand border crossers and illegal aliens have been bused to Washington, DC. However, this figure still pales in comparison to the level of illegal immigration seen by American border communities under Biden.

Simply put, in June, Texas border towns alone, nearly 130,000 border crossers and illegal aliens were caught crossing the border in June. To illustrate the massive impact there, consider the small town of Normandy, Texas, population 29 residents. This small town saw a single group of about 400 border crossers and illegal aliens cross into their area in just one day. This illegal migration is overwhelming the U.S. Southern Border States

Bowser needs to stop whining about the cost of her boss’s policies and like the rest of us, for now – just deal with it. The Biden administration knows that if he helps the DC Mayor – it will bring massively needed attention to the illegal immigration issue, and Biden will likely have to respond to members of his own party sooner than later. He seems to want to steer clear of the subject, until after the mid-term elections. No kidding.

Sadly, this is yet another example of Biden’s deliberate “tone deafness”, in ignoring the real crisis situation he has created. His open border policy is so bad – it’s now a national hardship, on top of soaring inflation, record high consumable prices, unaffordable housing, and so much more. This circumstance is, a runaway rail-car that needs braked badly.

Thankfully November is just around the corner. Hopefully a new Congress, will be able to force a hard look at this invasion and deal with it, for what it is, a national tragedy.

“Any immigration-reform effort must begin first with border security and enforcement of the law.”                 

-Cory Gardner
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