Cruz Legislation to Make Texas Schools Safe Was Voted Against By Democrats As Far Back 2013

 May 26, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was interviewed on Wednesday’s Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” discussing what should be done to make Texas schools safe in light of Tuesday’s mass murder at Robb Elementary School.

Cruz discussed that there are specific things that can be done to the premises to keep everyone safe, including a single door only open, for access versus many doors around the building that are/were unlocked, armed patrol men, with authority to use their weapons and the addition of bulletproof glass, doors and so on at school facilities.

Cruz, stated that in 2013 that Democrats blocked legislation he proposed, to bolster school security and keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and /or the mentally ill. They clearly weren’t worried about the money because his legislation was based on Federal tax dollars by way of grants.

He went on to explain-

“In 2013, I introduced legislation that would spend $300 million on federal grants to harden schools to make them safer, to make them more protected. The Democrats filibustered that legislation. I’ve introduced legislation to say schools like this elementary school (behind me) can get federal grants to harden their security, to put in bulletproof doors, bulletproof glass, to put in armed police officers to protect kids.”

Adding later-

“In 2013, I introduced legislation called Grassley-Cruz, which targeted felons and fugitives and those with serious mental illness. It directed the Department of Justice to do an audit of federal convictions to make sure felons are in the database. It directed the Department of Justice to prosecute and put in jail felons and fugitives who try to illegally buy firearms. That vote in the Harry Reid, Democrat Senate…a majority of the Senate voted in favor of Grassley-Cruz, but the Democrats filibustered it. They demanded 60 votes. They defeated it because they wanted to go after law-abiding citizens instead of stopping the bad guys. We need to stop the bad guys.”

-Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Senator Cruz’s frustration could be heard as he lamented, that he had legislation ready to go that Democrats held up, disallowing the safety measures that were so badly needed. Now we have 19 children and 2 teachers dead with many others wounded by the “face of evil” as Cruz described  perpetrator, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos. 

The fact that this could have been avoided by tightening safety at schools is a haunting fact. America’s schools should be safe from the evil that has grown in recent years. The democrats want to focus on power-posturing over gun control, but why did they deny these safety features to the children of Texas? After all, Texas is a border state, which has illegal immigrants flooding there in droves over the border and Joe Biden is allowing all manner of drug dealers, human traffickers and the like to freely move about there.

With all the drugs, gangs, and cartels involved Texas schools are like a sitting duck. You can stop good people from using wrong weapons, legislatively, but you can’t stop evil people or criminals from using weapons period. They have, and will continue to have, access to weapons. Restricting America’s citizenry only ties their hands to address criminals before circumstances like this school shooting happen. Guns don’t kill people - people kill people. Joe Biden and his democratic emotionalist counterparts need to wake up!

“Our law enforcement must be given every tool available to protect children from predators and parents need to know who is living in their community.”

-Robin Hayes
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