Critical Race Theory Banned By California School Board - Right After Being Sworn In

 January 4, 2023

According to - “Amid a chorus of boos and jeers and damning comments from dozens of Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) students and educators,  the newly formed TVUSD governing board voted 3-2 …to adopt a resolution banning the teaching of critical race theory (CRT) in Temecula Schools.”

The discussion and vote came just after a conservative majority had been sworn in at the southern California school district. The following resolution, as written in large part by Dr. Joseph Wayne Komrosky (Trustee Area 4) was adopted, banning Critical Race Theory. It stated-

“​​The TVUSD desires to uplift and unite students by not imposing the responsibility of historical transgressions in the past and instead will engage students of all cultures in age-appropriate critical thinking that helps students navigate the past, present, and future.”

-Temecula Valley Unified School District Governing Board.

According to the

“The board also explicitly condemned CRT as a racist ideology in itself, which assigns generational and racial guilt for conduct far in the past; violates the principle of equal protection under the law; and detracts from the underlying causes of real societal problems by framing all social issues as racial issues.”


 Condemning racism while further condemning CRT, the board added that it is-

 “an ideology based on false assumptions about the United States of America and its population.”…” the foundation of which was based on an artificial distortion of the traditional definition of ‘racism. adding “Critical Race Theory or other similar frameworks will not be used as a source to guide how topics related to race will be taught,”

-Temecula Valley Unified School District Governing Board.

 Further, in their review of the boards’ action, the reported that-

“the resolution banned the idea that meritocracy, hard work, or the scientific method are inherently racist or sexist or were created by members of one race to oppress another. It also banned the core principle of the “1619 Project,” that the advent of slavery in the American colonies was the real founding of the United States, and that the Revolution and American independence from Britain was partly an effort to preserve slavery.

Newly elected board member, Dr. Joseph Wayne Komrosky, a U.S. Veteran, prior to the vote, made his point that in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, it clearly states that America is “one nation…indivisible”. His point was that America as a people are, and should remain, “indivisible” and that Critical Race Theory clearly divides America. Though he was interrupted by hecklers, he patiently pursued his explanation of why he believes the issue is time critical. Living up to his campaign promise to oppose CRT,  he led the board discussion in defense of his resolution as put forth.

Though the board discussion and vote are somewhat lengthy, Komroskys’ defense of his resolution below, which was in the end adopted, is well worth listening to. In fact, to the conservative ear, his address is literally a breath of fresh air. Komroskys is both well-educated and articulate of his position, demonstrating clear patriotic values, that he is willing to stand up and be counted for.

“If not me then who? Confront evil!”

-Ken Poirot
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