Court Rejects Michigan Dem Official’s Attempt To Keep 26K Dead People On State Voter Rolls

 August 28, 2022

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), filed suit against Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson (D), accusing her of keeping nearly 26,000 dead registrants on Michigan voter rolls, which violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). This suit was filed in 2020, after the presence of the dead registrants was discovered.

In November of 2021, reportedly according to Breitbart News, Benson filed a plea, to the courts seeking to halt the lawsuit. She actually sought to have the lawsuit thrown out. This past Thursday, the district court denied Benson’s effort to dismiss the case. Essentially, the U.S. Western District Court of Michigan denied Bensons plea to keep these 26,000 dead registrants on the state’s voter rolls.

In his statement, PILF President J. Christian Adams stated-

“It is astonishing that Secretary Benson is so vigorously opposing effective list maintenance,” and  “It’s remarkable that after sharing this data with the Secretary of State in 2020, dead registrants remained on the state’s voter rolls,” noting …“This initial win is the first step to ensuring that deceased registrants are not receiving ballots and reducing the opportunity for fraud in Michigan’s elections.”

- J. Christian Adams, PILF President

In a breakdown of the PILF’s lawsuit, allegedly some 25,975 dead registrants that remained on Michigan’s voter rolls, included:

  • 23,663 registrants who have been dead for five years or more
  • 17,479 registrants who have been dead for at least a decade
  • 3,956 registrants who have been dead for at least 20 years

Additionally, last year, Pennsylvania’s Democrat state officials removed thousands of dead registrants from its voter rolls, following an initial lawsuit by the PILF. Officials, in that case, were accused of keeping at least 21,000 dead registrants on voter rolls for the 2020 presidential election.

Sadly, it would seem that the Democratic parties, of the States of Pennsylvania and Michigan, prefer to keep dead registrants’ names on their voter rolls, to bolster their cause, as needed. One can only wonder how many of these combined 40K+ deceased, fraudulently voted in the last presidential election?

What is really disturbing, is the fact that Michigan Sec. of State Benson, has openly fought to keep these names on their active voter rolls, despite the fact that it violates the NVRA. And, her clawing for each dead registrant to be kept on the roles is not only suspicious, but in and of itself, is fraudulent. Her office, or at the very least, her efforts to maintenance her voters’ roles, needs further investigation.

Hopefully, these successes on the part of the PILF, will serve to put other states on notice, who likely have the same issue. Lastly, while we respect - who these deceased persons were – the expression of a legitimate vote is the responsibility of the living.

“The Democrats simply cannot win an election without cheat by mail and voter fraud. Of course, Democrats are going to sue to keep dead people on the voter rolls.”

-Rob, Breitbart Blogger

“There's more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever was of Russia collusion, so America is owed a legal examination of the election irregularities alleged by the Trump campaign.”

- Miranda Devine
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