Chicago Mayor-Elect Johnson To Double Down On Sanctuary City Policies

 April 6, 2023

Promising to double down on Chicago’s already liberal immigration and "sanctuary city" policies, Brandon Johnson, the new progressive mayor-elect of Chicago is focusing on his campaign promises. This is despite the fact that the deep-blue city has been struggling over the accommodation of more illegal immigrants.

During his campaign Johnson declared that the city must "extend" that promise. He effectively sees that "sanctuary promise" as going well beyond merely non-cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, however. His web site states-

“Chicago must lead with and live by the promise to be a sanctuary city and welcome immigrants and refugees, and treat them with dignity and respect. This sanctuary promise must extend to everyone who needs it in our city, and residents both old and new.”

“Our public schools must be sanctuaries for all children by investing in dual language programs, ethnic studies and English as a Second Language (ESL). We must coordinate efforts with local communities with the infrastructure to support displaced immigrants and refugees, and coordinate efforts at all levels of government to provide humane conditions for everyone.”

"Chicago is a sanctuary city. As such, we must always resist attempts to pit communities against each other and extend this sanctuary promise to everyone who needs it in our city — both long-time residents and newcomers alike,"

-Mayor Elect Brandon Johnson’s Website

A self-described "sanctuary city", Chicago does not cooperate at the local and state law enforcement level, with federal immigration laws or enforcement departments.  On his campaign website, Johnson stressed that he will "ensure law enforcement does not cooperate with ICE to arrest, detain or deport our migrant neighbors." He calls them “newcomers”.

In his plan, Johnson also wants to provide "permanent housing for all unhoused, including asylum seekers" and increase funding for an already existing legal protection fund that helps immigrants avoid deportation. He plans to appoint "non-citizen representation" to a Chicago Board of Education Non-Citizen Advisory Board and a Chicago commission for public safety. He also plans to push for the state to allow for parents to vote in school board elections, even if they are not citizens.

On the educational front, Johnson wants to-

 "recruit and train enough teachers and clinicians to provide the capacity to support migrant and immigrant children, including bilingual professionals." With… "fully funded ethnic studies and bilingual education and dual language programs, where students learn their home country’s histories and cultures, in addition to learning English."

-Mayor Elect Brandon Johnson’s Website

His long wish list of pro-immigration policies comes on the heels of Chicago’s battling with other states over an influx of migrants into its city from those states. As an example, Colorado recently backed off doing, so as a result of his predecessor’s efforts.

Johnson’s, multifaceted, bullet point plan, appears to ignore the struggle Chicagoans are already facing as a result of the current increased illegal immigrant population that continues to build. This ongoing flow of migrants to Chicago has also led to political tensions within the city itself.

In January, this was manifested by residents in one neighborhood protesting plans to establish a migrant center in a former elementary school. In another example, there were similar concerns from local residents when officials moved to house migrants at a vacant Kmart. After objections from locals, the move was postponed.

One resident, was quoted in an earlier report declaring-

"There is a lack of resources in our community, we don’t need anyone else to come in and suck those up. We're tired, Ms. Lightfoot,"

-Anonymous Chicago Resident

Apparently, Mayor-Elect Johnson would do well to keep his ears tuned to the actual residents of his community, who are not as dedicated, as he is, to his laundry list of plans to support an ever-growing illegal immigrant population. With resources already strained, the actual “legal” residents are struggling to get the needs of their own families met.

Ignoring his own population, in favor of presenting his open-wide policies and reforms that give the illegal population in his community, more of a voice than legal Chicago residents - may just backfire on his administration, The people of Chicago are already recovering from one totally disconnected politician – they don’t need another one.

“You don't necessarily need atomic bombs to destroy a nation. Politicians who value their pockets more than the life of citizens always do that every day.”

-Israelmore Ayivor
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