Chelsea Clinton Refers To Republicans As The Party of 'White Supremacists'

 April 4, 2022

Chelsea Clinton appeared on ABC's "The View" Friday morning and had some harsh words for the Republican Party. Clinton called the GOP the party of "white supremacists,".

This comes after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) recently announced that he would not vote to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

Chelsea decided to interject her opinion while Hostin and Navarro were discussing the politics surrounding elections.

Hostin said, “Ana, what you have to understand is the Republican Party that you loved doesn’t exist anymore. It’s the party of insurrectionists. It’s the party of traitors”

Clinton interjected, “White supremacists.”

Hostin asked, “What was that?”

Clinton again said, “White supremacists.”

Hostin said, “White supremacists. It’s not the party you loved. It is just not.”

Clinton's parents, Bill and Hillary Clinton are well-known for their liberal views, so it's no surprise that Chelsea shares similar opinions.

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