CA Reparations Task Force Says Though Always A Free State, CA Owes Black Residents $1.2 Million Each

 May 4, 2023

The California official reparations task force has concluded that black residents of the state, are owed $1.2 million each in compensation for the legacy of slavery. This is strangely despite the fact that the state entered the Union as a free state in 1850. And though this same body, narrowly decided that only those black residents who could trace their roots to Southern slaves, should be eligible for reparations, it has determined that all black residents continue to suffer. Apparently, the committee is founded on emotionalism and not reason.

During the height of the Black Lives Matter panic in 2020, the committee, which was formerly signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), released an interim report last year, backing reparations, proposing separate black schools, and other related concepts. Committee members were charged with studying the history of slavery in California and its lasting inequities for Black people. While California was admitted to the Union as a “free state” in 1850, historians purport that slavery continued to be openly practiced for years. This was apparently perpetrated by white Southerners, who brought enslaved people to the state and forced them to work in gold mines and on plantations.

The economists advising the committee (which is comprised of almost entirely black members) said that their estimate was “conservative. “ They did say, however, that is was not a recommendation on the final compensation amount. However, the current economic estimate of the damages they purport that were caused by the state’s history of slavery, and its many imprints of “white supremacy” amount up to $1.2 million per Black resident - over a lifetime. And, in fact, the estimate includes the damage caused not only by slavery, but also housing discrimination, “mass incarceration,” and health risks that some claim are worse among black residents.

It remains largely unclear, however, how California could possibly afford to pay the compensation described, since one estimate of the cost is $800 billion, a figure several times the size of the currents state’s annual budget. Not surprisingly, a “wealth tax”, is backed by the chairman of the reparations committee. No doubt socialism is alive and well in California to be sure!

Unbelievably, reparation panels are also at work in other state locations with suggestions of their own. San Francisco’s task force is considering a proposal to pay each long-term black resident $5 million. Again, it is also unclear where that money would come from. Hopeful spending, is apparently the state of California’s favorite past-time, with Gavin Newsom everyone’s well kept “Robin Hood”.

All this effort and posturing so California can apparently lead the path of financial ruin for the other fifty states. Literally, the plan is to use these reparations to hopefully set an example for the nation to follow. Thereby, they can provide a veritable nirvana for the socialist left. Stay tuned to the ongoing lunacy.

“A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.”

-Thomas Jefferson
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