Biden To Require Agencies To Make “Environmental Justice” Part Of Mission Fighting Racism As Core

 April 21, 2023

According to the White House, President Biden will sign an executive order Friday, in the Rose Garden that will direct every agency of the federal government to incorporate "environmental justice" into its mission. Invited to the signing ceremony today, the White House has asked environmental justice leaders, climate advocates and community leaders to join the president.

Including those inflicted by a "legacy of racial discrimination including redlining.", Biden will reaffirm his administration's commitment to fighting climate change and correcting "disproportionate environmental harms,". This effectively means that Biden’s executive order says racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice.

A White House official said-

"The executive order will direct agencies to address gaps in science and data to better understand and prevent the cumulative impacts of pollution on people’s health. It will create a new Office of Environmental Justice in the White House to coordinate all environmental justice efforts across the federal government. And it will require agencies to notify nearby communities in the event of a release of toxic substances from a federal facility," … [recognizing that] "racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice." …[ considering, and preventing health harms on poor and minority Communities] "actively facilitate meaningful public participating and just treatment of all people in agency decision-making."

-White House Spokesperson

Biden's action, effectively creates, a new White House Office of Environmental Justice. It will be led by a Federal Chief Environmental Justice Officer, who will be tasked with coordinating "environmental justice" policy across the whole federal government. No official name has been stated as yet.

Accusing "extreme MAGA Republicans" of being in the pocket of Big Oil, the White House contrasted Biden's planned action with policies favored by House Republicans and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. referring to the Republican H.R. 1 bill.  The Lower Energy Costs Act, is wide-ranging legislation that pushes back on Biden's climate agenda on everything from Biden's rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline to restrictions on oil and gas development to proposed bans on gas stoves.

H.R. 1, passed with bipartisan support in the House, repealing taxes and regulations on oil and gas production, and making it easier to develop fossil fuel energy. Though McCarthy, has said the Biden administration has "kneecapped American energy production" with "misguided policies" that increase costs on Americans - Biden clearly plans to veto the bill. A White House official said-

"Speaker McCarthy and his extreme caucus’ proposals, including H.R. 1, would be a climate and health disaster that President Biden won’t allow on his watch,"

-White House Spokesperson

Clearly Biden and / or whoever is running him in the White House, does not sincerely care about the average citizen of the U.S. who is paying for his bloated, irresponsible mandates and policies. Now tax-payers are going to be saddled with a new Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) , that will federally dictate even more rules that Americans will be forced to live by and pay for, as a means to fund a wide range of social justice programs, for a multitude of inequalities that the OEJ will define.

And of course, it all surrounds their ultimate goal of making “racism” a pinnacle point of attack. Whatever happened to just “turn off the lights, don’t waste water and properly dispose of your trash” – all morally decent means, of showing fundamental responsibility as a citizen. Effectively, Democrats want to dictate their own form of over-reaching social morality, while expanding the government to be their social watchdog.

This nations freedom is not defined by autocratic policies that entrap tax-paying citizens into submission. These continued ‘swipe of the pen’ orders are clearly an overreach of this president’s authority, as defined by America’s Constitutional rights. Further they definitely side-step the legislative process, and are a clear infringement of this nations established freedoms. This insanity that currently plagues America has to stop.

“We live in a welfare state society - one that is already bloated and overburdened. We cannot continue to absorb and support an endless stream of people who will inevitably need legal residents to subsidize their lives.”

-Charlie Kirk
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