Biden Refuses To Visit The Border During Trip to Arizona Says “More Important Things Going On” - Like Billions In Semiconductor Investments From Taiwan

 December 6, 2022

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden said he would not visit the southern border during his trip to Arizona, despite an ongoing migration crisis. Speaking briefly with reporters as he left the White House for a trip to Arizona to promote new investments in semiconductor chip manufacturing, he was asked, why he was going to a border state without visiting the border? Biden replied-

 “Because there are more important things going on.”

 -President Joe Biden

As the migration crisis continues to cripple border communities, faced by floods of migrants entering the country, claiming asylum, Biden has stubbornly resisted visiting the border. Despite signaling last year that he would do so, Biden has never visited the Southern border. In March of 2021, when asked if he would ever visit the Southern border, he told reporters-

“At some point, I will,”

-President Joe Biden

In October 2021, he said during a town hall meeting with CNN, Biden admitted that he “should” visit the border, stating-

“I’ve been there before and I haven’t… I mean, I know it well. I guess I should go down “I haven’t had a whole hell of lot of time to get down.”

-President Joe Biden

Then last week, accusing Republicans of contributing to a “political stunt”, the White House laughed off an invitation from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, to Biden, to visit the border. Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP), White House press secretary, on Monday, called for Republicans concerned about border security to negotiate with Biden on providing amnesty to illegal immigrants through his proposed immigration legislation. KJP stated-

“If they truly want to deal with the border, then they would stop doing political stunts and actually work with us on the plan that we have put forward, which they are not.”

- Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP), White House Press Secretary

That Biden admits he should be visiting the border, yet refuses to do so is an example of his blatant disregard for the security of this country, many times over. That he is more concerned over the semiconductor industry, and the billions involved is also is an example of his focus on his bottom line – the almighty buck. That he cares so little for the families of the border towns and the American families that have been under siege since he took office because of the strain on them with millions of illegals pouring across into the U.S., all while the Mexican cartels send China’s drugs to kill Americans – is both reprehensible and heinous.

“I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed.”

- Jonathan Swift
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