Biden Induced Economic Gloom At Worst Level In 50 Years

 June 8, 2022

Poll results released Monday show a severe pessimism has gripped the U.S. economy, with Americans reporting the highest level of dissatisfaction with their financial condition in at least fifty years. According to a Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll, eighty-three percent of Americans describe the state of the economy as very poor. Only one percent, sleeping long-term like Joe Biden, describe the economy as “excellent.” These people clearly like Joe, need a stimulant.

The Consumer Price Index in March, was up the highest in nearly 40 years, with the April inflation rate close behind it. Poll results demonstrate just how much inflation has damaged the U.S. economy along with the perceptions of Americans, related to their own financial well-being. May’s level, is due to be released on Friday, by the federal government.

Other results of the poll look like this:

  • 35% percent said they are not at all satisfied with their financial condition, the highest level of dissatisfaction since NORC began asking the question every few years since 1972.
  • 63% of Americans say they are extremely concerned about the price of gas while 13% say they are not concerned at all.
  • 54% say they are very concerned about the impact of high grocery prices on their household’s financial situation. Again, by comparison, 19% say the are unconcerned about grocery store prices.

The numbers of Americans who reportedly think they can improve their standard of living has also plunged.

  • 27% say think now we have a good chance of improving, down from 47% percent a year ago.
  • 46% say they don’t have a good chance of improving their standard of living.
  • 38% percent of Americans say they are generally optimistic about the opportunity for most people to achieve the American dream.
  • 68% percent say they are generally pessimistic

As his approval numbers continue to tank due to the overwhelming pessimism over the economy, President Joe Biden is reportedly “seething” over his falling numbers. Buckle up Joe, they haven’t hit the bottom yet.

In a separate poll by ABC/ISPOS – 61% of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy and:

  • 71%  disapprove of his handling of inflation.
  • 72% disapprove of his handling of gas prices
  • 61%  disapprove of Biden’s tax policies.
  • 21% say inflation will be the single most important issue when they vote in the midterms.

Joe Biden’s numbers are plummeting because he cannot get those in his cabinet and the staff around him to get any work done. They are largely running around, behind the scenes, just cleaning up his verbal and interpersonal messes not to mention correcting and redirecting his verbal communications. Some even change his policies for him.

Other members of his cabinet are largely missing in action, such as Vice President Kamala Harris, who seems to disappear regularly, especially when there’s work to be done. Our southern border is evidence of her neglect. Sadly, Joe himself doesn’t deal with this tragedy, either. It is a little wonder why his numbers are tanking severely in the polls.

This president is not moving towards being a lame duck, he’s a largely dead duck, only coming up for air when he is angry and wants to spew frustratedly ‘’Come on – you know the thing!”. Sadly, America has stopped listening long ago.

When the cost of: a roof over your head, food on the table, gas in your tank, safety for your children in school and job security is threatened by illegals – life is far from being seen as prosperous. With Biden and his administration at the helm, we are losing ground by the day. America needs to cling to hope, believing that its’ citizenry can turn this administrative debacle around, before it’s too late.

America is spinning out of control, both economically and morally, we need to come to a hard stop before we begin slipping, as a nation, into another great depression. The integrity, economic stability and moral compass of our nation depends on it.

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