Biden Campaign Reeling After Multiple Leaks Lead To Climate Of Distrust And Fear

 July 10, 2024

The internal turmoil and emerging challenges of President Joe Biden's reelection Campaign have significantly shaken the morale among his staff.

With these leaks detailing everything from allegedly controversial campaign operations to personal habits of Biden, the narrative building around his leadership capabilities and future political endeavors is becoming heavily scrutinized.

On Wednesday, Axios reported a suite of leaks that they claim has notably disrupted the internal dynamics within Biden’s reelection campaign. These revelations have included damning testimonials about President Biden's potential to drop out of the race, aspects of his daily routine such as a nap schedule, and more disturbingly, divisiveness among staffers with some showing preferential support towards Vice President Kamala Harris over Biden.

One particularly striking leak reported Biden's absence from a key 2022 meeting with the German chancellor, purportedly opting to sleep instead.

This meeting was attended by Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his stead, raising questions about Biden's engagement and vigor in handling important international affairs.

White House Responds to Controversial Leaks

The White House has countered these claims, denying the authenticity of the leaked information. However, this rebuttal hasn't completely quelled the growing concern within the campaign's ranks or the general public. According to Politico’s West Wing Playbook, the cumulative effect of these leaks is fostering a climate of mistrust and unease among Biden’s campaign staff.

Moreover, insiders alleged that the negative portrayal is partly due to media allies who they accuse of cherry-picking statements from dissatisfied junior staffers.

These reports are said not to reflect the overarching sentiment within the campaign, where many continue to support Biden's leadership and achievements.

Ongoing coverage by journalists like Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen of Axios has highlighted what they perceive as a dwindling performance from Biden, further convincing the public about the ongoing neglect by the campaign to effectively manage its internal narrative and outsider perceptions.

To stem the tide of growing discontent, senior campaign staffers arranged for Governor Gavin Newsome to address the team. His speech was aimed to motivate the staff, emphasizing the historic achievements under Biden's presidency. "I plead with you: Worry less, do the work. There’s never been a president in our lifetimes — I don’t know if there will be again — that’s delivered more than President Biden. It’s just a fact," Newsom asserted, aiming to rejuvenate the team's spirit.

However, even this morale-boosting effort was shortly followed by further unsettling leaks. Recent disclosures suggest the influence of Hunter Biden in the campaign, labeled by some as a “de facto chief of staff,” overshadowing official roles like that of Jeff Zients.

Moreover, doubts about Biden’s capacity have been fueled not only by internal sources but also by international perspectives, with a European diplomat reportedly speculating on Biden’s commanding presence at upcoming NATO summits.

"People are coming [to the NATO summit in Washington] to witness whether Biden is or is no longer [in charge]," mentioned one European diplomat, capturing the international gaze now fixed on Biden's leadership amid these turbulent times within his campaign. This international scrutiny adds another layer of pressure on a campaign already battling severe internal challenges.


To summarize, Biden’s re-election campaign is currently facing a myriad of challenges sparked by a series of damaging internal leaks.

These have exposed sensitive details about his routine, sparked rumors of a potential withdrawal from the presidential race, and highlighted perceived disunity among his campaign staff. Efforts by figures like Governor Newsom to rally the campaign have been met with mixed responses, underlining the complex and fraught atmosphere as Biden prepares for forthcoming political engagements in a highly charged electoral environment.

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