Before End Of Month Special Council David Weiss Intends To Indict Hunter Biden

 September 7, 2023

According to a new court filing special Counsel David Weiss plans to indict Hunter Biden before the end of the month. The filing was made upon a court order to provide a status update on the case on or before September 6, 2023.

What charges Hunter Biden might face, is not known at this time. However, on Wednesday, Weiss reportedly wrote-

“[T]he Speedy Trial Act requires that the Government obtain the return of an indictment by a grand jury by Friday, Sept 29, 2023, at the earliest,” …“The Government intends to seek the return of an indictment in this case before that date,”

-Special Council David Weiss

According to the Associated Press, in an article last month stated-

“A legal showdown over the derailed plea deal for Hunter Biden continued Tuesday as prosecutors asserted that an agreement on a gun charge is dead along with the rest of the deal as the case makes a major shift into a special counsel investigation.

“While the agreement that was supposed to have wrapped up the long-running investigation of President Joe Biden’s son largely unraveled during a contentious court hearing last month, prosecutors said the two sides had continued to negotiate until the defense rejected their final counterproposal the day before U.S. Attorney David Weiss asked to be named special counsel.”…

“…Attorney General Merrick Garland’s surprise announcement last week of Weiss as special counsel raised fresh questions about the case ahead of the 2024 election. Hunter Biden’s history of drug use and financial dealings have trailed the political career of his father.”

-Associated Press

Apparently throwing a wrench into the agreement, that Weiss and Hunter Biden had crafted, the above plea deal broke down upon scrutiny from the judge.  Previously, the agreement afforded Hunter Biden the ability to plead guilty for not paying taxes on over $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018, receiving probation rather than jail time. Also in a separate diversion agreement, that Weiss had devised, it gave Hunter Biden immunity from potential future charges, including a provision to essentially wipe a felony gun violation from his record.

Trying to save this part of the plea deal, lawyers for Hunter Biden, tried to argue that terms of the “diversion agreement” within the plea deal remained intact. Claiming the government “reneged” on a “previously agreed-upon Plea Agreement”, Hunters lawyers also contended that Weiss should abide by the original deal.

It remains to be seen what indictments lay ahead for Hunter Biden, as Weiss appears to be heading into a statue of limitations in October, according to the above News Nation resource. Either way, their now appears to be a lot more “on the table”, so to speak, that these indictments may now include. Stay tuned.

The truth of this matter continues to struggle to make its way out of the dark, as America watches the unfolding of the Biden family criminal activities. As Hunter continues to grab the spotlight for himself and his business dealings, he also, in many ways continues to implicate his father in his foreign business schemes. Joe Biden’s’ day in court, also seems eminent as justice slowly runs her course. Time will tell.

“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.”



“Justice delayed is justice denied.”

-William E. Gladstone
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