Atlanta Bail Fund Rushes To Support Arrested “Cop City” Activists After 23 Charged With Domestic Terrorism

 March 8, 2023

Jumping to the defense of activists arrested in Atlanta Sunday night, after a violent demonstration against a planned police and fire training facility devolved into vandalism and arson, The Atlanta Solidarity Fund (ASF) said it will –

“never condemn the tactics of protesters who fight earnestly for their beliefs”

- The Atlanta Solidarity Fund

Describing those arrested as "festival-goers.", the ASF asked for donations Monday afternoon, stating that it was-

 "committed to providing bail assistance and access to legal representation for everyone arrested protesting."… "We are already coordinating a network of lawyers to respond. Please donate to help us continue this work. Solidarity means nobody faces repression alone!" adding…

"Indiscriminate police violence tonight against Stop Cop City festival-goers," the organization tweeted. "Police seem to be lashing out at anyone present at the music festival. Music is not a crime, protest is not a crime. The first amendment doesn't go away when a single person sets a fire."

"They want to hold every movement participant liable for anything which anyone does in the name of defending the forest," continuing …"If one person burns a bulldozer, they want to jail every protester for arson. As a legal strategy, it would be laughable if it didn't have serious consequences."

"The strategy of extreme collective punishment is designed to scare protesters into silence, but also to pit the movement against itself," adding "They want to get activists focused on condemning and policing each other so that the cops don't have to. We will never condemn the tactics of protesters who fight earnestly for their beliefs."

-Atlanta Solidarity Fund

After allegedly launching an attack Sunday night against the construction site for a police and fire training facility dubbed "Cop City", Atlanta police identified 23 suspects and charged them with domestic terrorism. Further, according to the Atlanta Police Department, all but two of those arrested are from out of state. One was from as far away as France.

However, noting how the group changed into black clothing, and allegedly threw commercial-grade fireworks, Molotov cocktails, large rocks and bricks at police officers, after the group left a nearby music festival, authorities claimed the attack was “coordinated”. According to the Atlanta Community Press Collective, protesters later descended upon City Hall during the Atlanta City Council meeting Monday afternoon, chanting, "No justice, no peace."

It would seem that this organized bail fund movement, works just as fast as the justice system rounds up these accused perpetrators, in order to charge them with domestic terrorism. Groups like ASF, seem pleased to undermine the efforts of law enforcement to administer justice. They jump to to provide those charged with legal services and funding to make bail. In their effort to be altruistic, all under the guise of “free speech”. Further, they go so far as to accuse authorities of “repression”. Essentially, they assist these protesters - turned terrorists - to break the law, destroy property, and harm police as well as citizenry. Obstruction of justice does betray society and promote lawlessness. Someone put it this way-

“Every obstruction of the course of justice,--is a door opened to betray society, and bereave us of those blessings which it has inview.... It is a strange way of doing honour to God, to screen actions which are a disgrace to humanity.”

-Laurence Sterne
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