Another Blow To Durham Investigation – Igor Danchenko Found “Not Guilty” In Steele Dossier Trial

 October 19, 2022

On Fox News, “Your World,” correspondent David Spunt, shares the latest on the trial verdict on Igor Danchenko, who just yesterday was found found “not guilty” in Steele Dossier trial. Yet another blow for John Durham’s investigation, Danchenko was found not guilty on four counts of lying to the FBI. As you recall, Durham was appointed, by then Attorney General Bill Barr, in 2019, to look into the “narrative that pinned Donald Trump to Russia in 2016 or 2017”. John Durham was to investigate where the narrative originated from.

This is a second trial, that Durham has brought where the person indicted was found not guilty. Last year he charged Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussman, of lying to the FBI as well. In May of this year, Sussman was also found not guilty of the charge.

Reportedly, Fox News has learned that John Durham is to write a report, “weaving” this story, connected by his findings, in this over three-year investigation, for Americans to read. That Durham may charge someone else, is unlikely because the statute of limitations is running out, and Durham is known to be slow, methodical and very exacting. This may be his final act in a court room, however, his report is still pending.

Spunt goes on to report, that though his investigation is independent, John Durham falls under branch of the Justice Department which is headed up by AG, Merrick Garland. According to this report, Garland has been very hands off with Durham’s’ handling of this investigation, supporting his budget, and waiting to see where he takes this assignment. Garland in fact has the authority, to sign off on John Durham’s release of his summary report, which this commentator feels he will do in the affirmative.

Congress will have to take these findings and use them to further their own investigations, come November when the American people give them the power to do so. Stay tuned – the truth is yet to come.

“The truth does not require a majority to prevail, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is its own power. The truth will out. Never forget that.”

Rush Limbaugh
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