Alarming Internal DHS Emails Reveal Illegal Migrants Assault Agents, Trying to Escape From Custody

 January 27, 2023

According to Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) internal emails, Border crossers and illegal aliens have attempted “escaping” from DHS custody and tried “to overrun drivers,” among other things. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project (HFOP) obtained the emails which shed light, on the chaotic day-to-day operations that agents must deal with at the U.S.-Mexico border, since President Joe Biden implemented an expansive Catch and Release network.

Purportedly, theses experienced assaults, at the hands of border crossers and illegal aliens, as well as them attempting to flee from custody were revealed in one email, by Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz, where he suggested that his agents and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have come under attack. Ortiz wrote in a September 2021 email -

“Our [Border Patrol] agents are being assaulted and we aren’t saying a word,” …The bus contractors and pilots are dealing with Haitians escaping or trying to overrun drivers and we stay quiet. Agents and pro staff are working 14 hours days in difficult conditions, nothing said. We have to change the narrative or these stories will be the only story”

-Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz

Reportedly, monthly illegal immigration to the U.S. reached a record high in December of 2022. With more than 250,000 apprehensions at the southern border alone, these situations cannot be isolated.

Adding to the 600,000 illegal aliens, who are known to have evaded the Border Patrol in the last fiscal year, the number of illegal aliens, who are successfully crossed the border, reached nearly 88,000 last month. This figure follows the more than 73,000 illegal aliens, who successfully entered, via the border in November of 2022.

Called ““got-away” illegals, these figures are in addition to the tens of thousands of border crossers that Biden’s DHS is releasing into the U.S. interior every month. For example, the DHS released over 150,000 border crossers into American communities, over just a couple of summer months in 2021.

Further, the agency continues to hide the monthly number of border crossers who are directly released into the U.S. interior, despite the fact that Biden’s DHS has drastically expanded its Catch and Release network at the border. Sadly, the number of these illegals keeps climbing.

This open border policy, despite the fact that Joe Biden continues to claim that “the border is secure” is a national tragedy of epic proportion – the likes of which this nation has never seen. Biden, it would seem is strategically permitting this invasion, of these illegals into the interior of the U.S.

However, there yet may be hope.

According to the Texas Tribune, in an article published in November of 2022, the newly elected U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, then called on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, to resign over the administration’s border policy, promising to launch investigations in the 2023 year, that could culminate in his impeachment. McCarthy said then-

“We will use the power of the purse and the power of subpoena. Let me be clear: Those responsible for this disaster will be held accountable,” McCarthy said at a news conference in El Paso. “If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure to determine whether we can begin impeachment inquiries.”

-U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy

Republicans have made border security one of their leading attack points on Democrats and the Biden administration. With Republicans now in control of the House, hopefully McCarthy will make good on his threat and the focus on securing the U.S. southern border will finally see some action. This debacle at our U.S. Southern Border reached 2.4 million encounters in the last fiscal year alone. This has got to stop.

“The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power.”

-Ted Nugent
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