Alabama Becomes 22nd Constitutional Carry State, Joining 21 Other States

Alabama becomes the 22nd state yesterday to enact constitutional carry laws with Governor Ivey's signature on the legislature's bill. A stated supporter of "law abiding gunowners" , the governor has emphasized that "we here in Alabama dare defend our rights" tweeting "Alabama Free. Alabama Strong".

This new law enables Alabama residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. However, it does restrict/prohibit those who are convicted felons or have been committed to a mental institution from carrying a concealed weapon.

The enactment into law of House Bill 272 is a major victory for gun rights advocates and another sign that the tide is turning in favor of the Second Amendment. As a major step forward for gun rights in Alabama, its impact over the next days and months will be interesting.

Other constitutional carry states include: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota , Tennessee , Texas, Utah , Vermont , West Virginia , and Wyoming.

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