Alabama Becomes 22nd Constitutional Carry State, Joining 21 Other States

 March 11, 2022

Alabama becomes the 22nd state yesterday to enact constitutional carry laws with Governor Ivey's signature on the legislature's bill. A stated supporter of "law abiding gunowners" , the governor has emphasized that "we here in Alabama dare defend our rights" tweeting "Alabama Free. Alabama Strong".

This new law enables Alabama residents to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. However, it does restrict/prohibit those who are convicted felons or have been committed to a mental institution from carrying a concealed weapon.

The enactment into law of House Bill 272 is a major victory for gun rights advocates and another sign that the tide is turning in favor of the Second Amendment. As a major step forward for gun rights in Alabama, its impact over the next days and months will be interesting.

Other constitutional carry states include: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota , Tennessee , Texas, Utah , Vermont , West Virginia , and Wyoming.

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