Abortion Activists Face Off With Pro-Life Catholics At Manhattan’s Basilica of Saint Patrick’s Old Cathedral

Nearly every month for the past 14 years, to protest this nation’s abortion laws, pro-life Catholics in the Manhattan community have gathered for Mass and a rosary procession to the Planned Parenthood one block away from the church. However, this same group of Catholics were met Saturday by pro-abortion activists who blocked the church doors on Saturday.

The pro-choice activist group, “New York City for Abortion Rights”, held a rally outside the Basilica of Old St. Patrick in New York, in opposition to the above pro-life faith group, that routinely tries to deter patients seeking abortions at the nearby Planned Parenthood.

The activist group literally blocked the entrance to the church days after a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion leaked signaling the Court will overturn Roe v. Wade. This decision, if passed will end the national law on abortion and give the states back their authority on the matter.

As seen on multiple Twitter feeds - protestors blocked the church, and a large group is seen shouting / singing “Thank God for Abortion…. (repeatedly) and F*** the church - F***the legislators - we are not your incubators”.

Additionally, the most disturbing scene was by an activist who goes by “Crackhead Barney”, who arrived at the church doors in a bathing suit stuffed with baby dolls to mock pregnancy and abortion, and is seen getting in the faces of those church members who are standing there praying - screaming…(to the priest) come out – we want to talk – your F***ing terrorizing my Mother F****ing Uterus, and “look I’m killing the baby” (as she beat a string of dolls heads into the ground” representing aborted babies. Her demeanor was antagonizing but the church members did not take the bait.

The bold evil of this total disregard for anyone or anything beyond themselves is beyond comprehension. Freedom of speech that purport to kill babies – is just wrong.

All the while they are going off like cannons, with expletive songs and chants, members of the Basilica of Old St. Patrick in New York, stood quietly, calmly praying the rosary. Though the protestors tried to engage and provoke church members, they didn’t break from their praying to do so.

And yes, the media was there catching every sordid moment. It was an example of free speech on crack cocaine of an epic proportion. The democratic left has gone over the edge with their reactionary response to the Supreme Court leak and the Biden Administration has done nothing to keep the peace – preferring yet to fan the flames with their pro-choice position.

Sadly, President Biden declared just Tuesday that a woman’s right to have an abortion is “fundamental” and called on voters to elect more pro-abortion rights officials at the federal level in November, so that Democrats can pass legislation protecting abortion rights.  As a member of the Catholic church for Biden to take such an open stand against unborn babies – is just wrong. If he attends Mass on Sunday, perhaps his church will be subject to its own pro-choice protest.

In a written statement, released by the White House in response to the leak of a Supreme Court draft opinion suggesting the high court is poised to overturn the decision in Roe v. Wade,

Biden said “I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned”.

“If the Court does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose,” Biden continued. “And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November.” 

Hopefully, November will be a referendum on Biden and his party’s abase politics and voters will stand up for God and Country and the santity of human life - remembering the founders as men of faith themselves.

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