Trump Campaign Rehires Corey Lewandowski Who Was Part Of Trump's 2016 Team

 August 15, 2024

Amid concerns about lagging performance, Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has brought on board Corey Lewandowski along with several top allies and previous advisers.

Politico reported that the move aims to strengthen the team in the face of fundraising challenges and polling that shows Trump behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump, seeking reinvigoration in a crucial phase, has opted to fortify his campaign by rehiring his old cohort Corey Lewandowski, alongside other former senior campaign figures. Lewandowski, known for his role as a previous campaign manager and his informal advisory services, now joins Trump's senior leadership circle to turn the tide ahead of upcoming elections.

The augmentations to Trump’s team are not being labeled as a shakeup but instead positioned as a strategic enhancement of the existing structure. Lewandowski’s return is depicted as an integral piece of this plan, considering his vast experience and history with Trump's former campaigns.

Trump Strategically Ramps Up Campaign Staff

Alongside Lewandowski, several past allies like Tim Murtaugh, Alex Pfeiffer, Alex Bruesewitz, and Taylor Budowich have also been brought into the fray. Their reintroduction to the campaign circuit represents Trump's deliberate move to reunite seasoned veterans who have successfully managed previous campaign hurdles.

While Trump’s campaign has seen its share of criticisms from various quarters, especially in terms of fundraising and polling in vital swing states, these new appointments are viewed by the campaign as crucial leverage. This strategic staffing is designed to rival Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign momentum.

Some Republicans have vocalized their concerns regarding Trump’s current campaign strategy, viewing it as insufficient given the competitive political landscape. These enhancements thus serve multiple purposes, not just bolstering internal morale but also signaling a ramped-up effort to external critics and the electorate.

It is pertinent to note that Corey Lewandowski was embroiled in controversy in 2021, facing serious allegations of unwelcome sexual advances, which briefly cost him a significant position in a pro-Trump super PAC. However, this did not sever his ties with Trump-oriented political activities, as he notably held consultancy roles in the Republican National Convention in 2024 and the Republican National Committee.

Trump's choice to bring Lewandowski back has raised eyebrows and drawn attention due to the past allegations. Nonetheless, his continued involvement indicates Trump's confidence in Lewandowski’s abilities and possibly a calculus that his strategic advantages outweigh the risks posed by past controversies.

Lewandowski's history with Trump campaigns, his dismissal, and his subsequent advisory roles reflect a complex operational dynamic within the Trump camp, showcasing a pattern of employing familiar faces despite external controversies.

Evaluation of Leadership and Strategic Posturing

Press statements gave further insight into the campaign dynamics with words from Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, who praised the expanding team as a collection of veterans skilled at navigating presidential campaigns. They emphasized the value Lewandowski and others bring in formulating an aggressive campaign against Democrats Harris and Walz.

Donald Trump himself, during a press conference at his Bedminster resort, supported this sentiment. He remarked on the effectiveness of his current campaign leaders, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, underscoring their pivotal roles. Trump highlighted Lewandowski’s assignment as either a personal envoy or in another strategic capacity, reaffirming his place in the campaign.

The strengthening of Trump’s campaign, as articulated by both campaign leaders and Trump himself, underscores a clear strategy aimed at retaking the White House. Each move, including the reintegration of figures like Lewandowski despite past controversies, signals a determined, albeit risky, strategy designed to consolidate Trump’s political base and attract undecided voters.

Despite the campaign’s efforts, challenges persist with GOP members expressing reservations about Trump's electoral viability. These internal critiques highlight the broader doubts existing within parts of the Republican Party about the direction of Trump’s campaign strategy and its execution, suggesting a critical juncture.

The campaign's response to these challenges, through strategic hires and public endorsements by Trump, reflects a campaign in active counter-mode, marshaling its resources and expertise to shift perceptions and realities on the ground.

As the campaign season heats, these strategies and team dynamics will be crucial in navigating the complex landscape of U.S. presidential politics, with Trump’s team betting big on their old guard to lead the charge toward November.


In conclusion, Donald Trump's campaign is making significant strides to address key challenges by reassembling a team of trusted veterans including Corey Lewandowski.

This strategy underlines a commitment to leveraging experience and familiarity in the face of critical polling and fundraising deficits.

The addition of past aides aims not only to revitalize Trump’s campaign dynamics but also to directly counter the strategies posed by Democratic counterparts in the run-up to the election.

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