Merrick Garland Contempt Case Heading To Court After DOJ Defies Congress

 June 20, 2024

The refusal by the DOJ to charge Attorney General Merrick Garland for not complying with a congressional subpoena has led to a court battle prediction by House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan.

The recent legal strife in Washington centers on a congressional subpoena directed at Attorney General Merrick Garland. Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) concluded that Garland's refusal to supply a demanded audio recording did not amount to a criminal action.

Just The News reported that Jordan will now be pursuing litigation against the DOJ for failing to enforce the law and allow Garland to defy a lawful subpoena from Congress.

This recording, pivotal to an investigation, was of President Joe Biden's conversation with special counsel Robert Hur concerning the handling of classified documents.

DOJ's Refusal Begins Escalation in the Garland Contempt Case

The House of Representatives, finding the DOJ's decision unsatisfactory, voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress.

This notable escalation follows intensified scrutiny as the House moved into an impeachment phase, seeking significant evidence to potentially support charges against Garland.

The impeachment includes demands for specific materials such as the audio recording, which lawmakers assert is essential for a transparent investigation.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan has voiced strong confidence in the strength of the House's legal grounds. Jordan notes the particulars of the case: "We believe the privilege that they're asserting was waived when Robert Hur gave us the full report that Merrick Garland okayed for him to turn over to us. We think if you've given us a transcript, we want the best evidence, which is the audio tape itself, and you've waived any privilege on what might have been said in those communications. So we think it'll go, but the problem is, it just takes a while in court to get that to happen."

Garland's response to the contempt order paints a contrasting picture. The Attorney General argues that the actions of House Republicans verge on misuse of power, utilizing authority as a "partisan weapon" while undermining the constitutional balance between governmental branches.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has shown firm backing for the contempt resolution, ensuring it will be certified and sent to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for prosecution.

Johnson further criticizes the DOJ's stance as evidence of a "two-tiered justice system," referencing the inconsistent handling of cases like those of Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, both previously prosecuted under similar circumstances.

The conflict between the legislative and executive branches represents more than just a legal battle over a subpoena.

It underscores broader concerns over transparency, accountability, and the interpretative boundaries of constitutional powers. As this case moves closer to entering the courts, it brings with it significant implications for the interplay between these governmental branches and the adherence to constitutional obligations.

The forthcoming legal proceedings promise not only to address the immediate issues at hand but also to set a precedent for how similar disputes may be resolved in the future. Stakeholders from across the political and legal spectrum will be closely watching the developments, expecting a resolution that could redefine aspects of Congressional oversight and executive privilege.


In conclusion, the refusal by the DOJ to charge Attorney General Merrick Garland has set off a series of actions culminating in a prediction of a court battle by House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan.

This case underscores the complexities of governmental operation, involving serious accusations of partisanship, the challenges of enforcing congressional subpoenas, and the broader implications for constitutional law and the separation of powers. As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on how this intersection of politics and law will be navigated.

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