Jim Banks Questions Merrick Garland For Not Pressing Charges Against Man Who Threatened Banks's Family

 June 18, 2024

Rep. Jim Banks expresses concern over the absence of federal charges against a man who threatened his family, despite clear evidence.

The Washington Examiner reported that Banks is seeking answers from U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland regarding the lack of federal prosecution in a case involving threats to his family. Banks, troubled by the threats made by Aaron Thompson, is puzzled why the case was not taken up federally despite the severity and nature of the offenses.

Thompson, who left menacing voicemails for Banks’ family, had openly declared his ownership of firearms in these messages.

These threatening communications were made more disturbing by Thompson’s explicit violent content, expressing intentions to harm Banks' family members through graphic threats.

Local Prosecution Chooses Probation Over Harsher Penalties

Despite the disturbing nature of Thompson’s threats, the local district attorney in Indiana handed him a relatively mild punishment.

In a court ruling, Thompson was sentenced to just two years of probation after he pleaded guilty to a Level 6 felony and a Class B misdemeanor related to making repeated threatening phone calls.

The decision not to escalate the matter to federal court puzzled many, especially given the typical handling of such threats under federal law. The U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Indiana declined to prosecute, a decision that directly contradicted the expectations set by federal guidelines on such matters.

In response to his concerns, Banks wrote to Attorney General Garland in December, articulating his dissatisfaction. His letter followed an op-ed by Garland that condemned political threats, underscoring a perceived inconsistency in the Justice Department's actions versus its public statements.

Banks, in his poignant letter to Garland, stated, "I have no doubt that you, as a husband and father yourself, would do anything to protect your family, but I want to know why you have refused to protect mine."

The gravity of Banks' plea is magnified by the content of the voicemails left by Thompson. In one, he chillingly calculated the demise of each family member, "Three daughters. Hey, hey, hey, three bullets, hey, hey, hey one wife, yay. Oh yeah, yeah, we’ll give her two bullets."

Political Motivation and Intoxication Cited by the Perpetrator

The incident occurred at a notably tense political time, around the time when Republicans were convening to nominate a new House speaker in October 2023.

Thompson himself admitted to being intoxicated during the calls and claimed that his actions were politically motivated, which adds layers to the context under which these threats were made.

This admission might have influenced the local prosecutor’s decision to opt for probation over more severe penalties. Nevertheless, it raises questions about the adequacy of the response to what are threats of political terrorism.

Garland's response to Banks' plea was encapsulated in his words, “We investigate and prosecute violations of federal law — nothing more, nothing less.” However, this succinct reply does little to address the specific reasons why this case was deemed unworthy of federal attention despite the apparent violation of federal laws regarding threats to government officials.

The case brings into focus the broader implications of how threats against public figures are handled in a polarized political climate. It also raises issues about the consistency of legal protections provided to public officials, stirring debates on the adequacy of current legal frameworks to address such threats.


As Rep. Banks continues to seek full accounting from federal authorities, the dialogue around the protection of public figures and the appropriate level of response from law enforcement agencies continues to evolve.

The community and lawmakers alike are watching closely, gauging the effectiveness of their justice system in protecting society's leaders while balancing the freedoms of expression and legal consequences.

In conclusion, the case of Rep. Jim Banks and Aaron Thompson not only highlights a personal safety concern but also prompts a broader discussion on the adequacy of responses to threats against public officials. The resolution of this case could potentially influence future protocols on how similar threats are handled across the legal spectrum.

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