Jim Jordan Targets NY Attorney General Over Trump Prosecutor

 June 18, 2024

In a move signaling escalated tensions, House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan has issued a subpoena threat to New York Attorney General Letitia James, demanding information on Matthew Colangelo, a key figure in former President Trump’s hush money trial.

The Hill reported that Jordan’s escalating quest for details from Letitia James unravels more about the Trump hush money trial controversy. Jordan’s investigation into Matthew Colangelo began last month when he sent a letter to Letitia James requesting exhaustive details of Colangelo's employment.

Colangelo, who recently delivered opening statements at Trump's trial in New York, has been a central figure due to his previous investigative work on Trump-related cases during his tenure at James's office.

Colangelo’s critical role became more prominent when he led the opening statements in the trial where Trump was recently convicted. Before this, he had a robust career trajectory involving stints at James's office and the Manhattan District Attorney's office, along with a position at the Justice Department.

Unpacking Matthew Colangelo's Professional Moves

Colangelo’s employment journey is notable: from the New York Attorney General’s office to a high-ranking role at the Justice Department, and then back to New York under District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Each of these roles involved scrutiny of Trump’s business practices.

While at the New York Attorney General's office, Colangelo was part of a legal team that successfully sued Trump’s charitable organization in 2018.

This lawsuit, alleging misuse of funds, led to the dissolution of the charity, marking a significant legal setback for Trump. In these roles, Colangelo gained a reputation for his thoroughness in investigating complex legal matters involving high-profile figures.

During the latter days of the Trump administration, Colangelo was engaged in a probe that laid the groundwork for a substantial $450 million fraud penalty against Trump spearheaded by Letitia James.

Jordan's pursuit didn't stop at requesting information; he also demanded all communications between Colangelo and any Trump-associated entities during his time in James's office. On Tuesday, before this report, Jordan escalated the stakes by issuing a letter with a firm July 2 deadline, threatening to enforce compliance through compulsory legal means.

This tense exchange culminated in Jordan’s pointed criticism that Colangelo seemed more focused on pursuing Trump than on broader legal principles. Such assertions have fueled debate about the political and personal motivations behind high-profile prosecutions.

In his communications, Jordan stated that “the Committee is prepared to resort to compulsory process to obtain compliance with our requests,” highlighting his readiness to push for transparency and information.

The investigative gaze is set to continue, as both Colangelo and Alvin Bragg are scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on July 12.

This testimony is anticipated to be a crucial moment, coming just one day after Trump is slated to be sentenced for the crimes tied to the falsifying of business records to disguise hush money payments.

Trump’s conviction on all 34 counts marks a pivotal chapter in a series of extensive investigations and legal challenges that have dogged his post-presidency years. The sentencing, closely followed by testimonies from key legal figures involved in his trial, promises to keep this issue at the forefront of public and political discourse.


As these events unfold, the narrative continues to develop around the intricate intersections of law, politics, and personal careers.

Jordan’s aggressive posture towards obtaining detailed documentation and testimony from figures like James and Colangelo underscores the ongoing, intense scrutiny and politicization surrounding former President Trump's legal entanglements.

In conclusion, this saga unfolds as a complex weave of legal battles, political rivalries, and the quest for transparency and accountability in high-stakes public prosecutions. As the deadline approaches, the implications of these actions will likely resonate far beyond the immediate legal proceedings, shaping public perception and political narratives.

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